You know when your heart is telling you to do something, but your head is telling you HECCCCCK NO? That's the place I've been recently, while tossing around the idea of starting a Facebook group. I know, it's just a Facebook group...what could be so scary? Well the nerve-wracking part is that I decided to step away from a perfectly great part-time gig to pursue this group. So yeah, that gave me the shivers and instantly had me doubting myself. But at some point I let my heart win...and over the ...
Friday Fiver!!!
Happy Friday!!! Let's just pretend like I blog more than once a month...and let me jump right into this Five on Friday like it's so totally normal...okay? Thanks for rolling with me, friends!!! ONE. We have a TOOTH! That's right, after nearly two months of certainty that Hartley was teething (haha), it's finally the REAL DEAL. She's remained pretty happy through it all--and Arden's new favorite activity is checking the progress of that little toofer every morning. Is she sweet, or ...
Arden is F.I.V.E.
A few weeks ago Chris and I became the parents of a five year old...FIVE! I remember when Arden was a baby and people with 5-year-olds seemed like legit parents to me...and so much older. Ha! So that's where we are now. Legit--but also really old. ;) Here's what our big five-year-old is loving these days... The more time I have with this girl, the more I realize what a gift she is. Maybe she's going to give us a run for our money in her teenage years, but for right now, being her parent is ...
Hartley: 6 Months
Height: 27.8 in Weight: 16lbs Head: 16.7 in Hartley, Perhaps you noticed something missing around here? Like your 3, 4 and 5 month posts? All I can say is: whoops. Life is crazy...but at least I took pictures, right?! Does that count for something?!? Over the last four months you went from sleeping like a barely sleeping again (thank you, Lord!) You've transformed from a newborn who mostly sleeps and a BABY who babbles, rolls, smiles and giggles. And ...
Friday Five
Happy Friday, my friends! We are currently en route to my in laws' house about four hours away...and I'm just happy to be in the passenger seat with all children strapped in in the back. Ha! Moana is rolling and I've got time to work and blog. I'll take what time I can get these days! Here's a quick roundup of what's been going on + things that I've been loving lately... ONE. This sweet thing is the reason for our trip to GB. Our niece Cora is ONE today!!!! It seems like we were just making ...
Our Little Beanie Baby
Happy Monday! Or something like that? ;) We had such a nice, low-key weekend. Lots of bike riding, sprinkler running, and front porch swinging...I just wasn't ready for it to end! But a new week is here and I've got big plans to get caught up on this little ol' blog. A recap of our Mexico trip is in the works, and eventually I'll get to Hartley's monthly know, since I've missed the last two! (#thirdkidproblems) But first, I wanted to share a little bit about her big move to the ...