We ran 17 miles this past week. Holy cow. Sure it was broken up into 4 runs, but still…I never ever thought I’d say that! On Saturday we ran in a local 5K and it was the perfect morning for it. Pretty cool and a little overcast…you know I like to avoid sun exposure. Chris, trying to be a hot shot, took off with all of the experienced runners at the beginning and I paced myself and stayed towards the back. I will let you guess who ended up finishing at the same time. Yep, slow and steady wins the race. Or at least ties. Here’s a pic from right after our first 5 K together…

Sunday was our long run…5 miles! Chris always maps out our route on the county trails website before we go and so far it’s always worked out. Well, this time we got a little confused by the signs and found out when we got home that we actually ran 6 miles! It’s just amazing to me that a month ago I could barely run 2 miles and now 6 doesn’t even seem all that bad. Kind of bad, but not all that bad. I really hope I’m catching this “running bug” people speak of.

Here’s a little preview of how I spent the rest of my weekend…more to come when I actually finish!
Happy Monday!