There are a lot of things we love about our new house…but the one that Hazel really loves is the fenced back yard.
I was in the office working this morning when I heard her ringing the bell on the back door…
“Mom, you’re boring me in here…can I go outside? Don’t I look cute posing next to our Christmas tree? I’m really only doing it because I refuse to sit on tile…only carpet or tree skirts for this girl. Pleasssse can I go outside?”
20 minutes later and she just wasn’t ready to come in from her sun-basking session…
An hour later and she got closer to the door…but still not coming in.

so cute!
Ok- so I'm going through Direct TV online looking for what channel T-Swift, Carrie Underwood and others are going to be on tonight so I can DVR it…..AND I see that on Nick Jr there is a show called Backyardigans…is that where you got the title of this post?? If so, how do you know about that show? 🙂 So funny!!! Oh and Hazel is freaking adorable!!!
This post makes me smile 🙂