Happy Friday, friends!
As always, I’m joining my sweet friend Darci for Five on Friday!
Well this week sure has been a doozy! Apparently someone told Arden that (almost) 18 months was the time to really start asserting her independence…and all I can say is YIKES! Diaper changes, car rides, and also anything happening in a public location = total struggle! This face pretty much sums up our week…

Poor quality, but I’m sure you get the point! Ha!
Anyway, you better believe this bad boy will be arriving on my doorstep today…perhaps I should’ve paid extra for rush shipping?! 😉
But about the subtitle…is that a guarantee?!?

While there have been some ugly moments this week, there have also been some really sweet ones.
I love her so incredibly much…tantrums and all.
{I can say that because she’s sleeping right now ;)}

How lovely is this prayer journal by ValMariePaper?! I learned about them this week over at Blue Eyed Bride and immediately added it to my Etsy favorites. They would make such a sweet gift for a friend…and/or yourself! 😉

Get excited…a group of my favorite bloggers and myself (not sure how/why they let me in?! ha!) will be hosting a fun little St. Patty’s Day recipe swap next month. It will involve making a favorite SPD recipe and then trying someone else’s. My guess is that I’ll mess them both up…but hey, it’s going to be a great time! Stay tuned for more details!

This video is a couple of weeks old, but I have watched it (and laughed hysterically) so many times, that I felt it had to be shared. With all of the hearts floating around during Valentine’s Day, I thought it would be an easy time to teach Arden one of her best buds’ last name…Hart.
The way she pronounces Hudson {Huh-Hoo} is funny enough, but I just die at her expression before she finally gets the whole thing right!!!
Oh and yes, she totally looks like Mr. T…

I'm going through the same thing with my son….oy, no fun! They think they have a little mind of their own and it's their way. I love that picture of Wrsen with the bow – too precious 🙂
at least she's cute 😛 tantrums and all!
Arden and Cameron must be secretly plotting against us….this was the wrong week to start an alcohol-free diet!! Hahaha….I MUST pick up that book. I hope it's a guarantee!! 🙂
I can't wait for all of the St Patrick's recipes!!
PS She's still super adorable even when she's crying. 🙂
I give Happiest Toddler five stars!
We have the same book – I've read it maybe 300 times?!!! Going through the same thing over here, Waverly is SUPER independent right now & we have definitely had some rough days … with some good days too!!!! Yesterday I was convinced she was a teenager already – laughing one minute and crying the next!!!! Good luck, mama! Good thing they are cute!
Oh no….I have a feeling we are entering the independent/cranky stage too! Let me know if you like the book!
LOVE that prayer journal… I am def. going to check that out!! 🙂 And your Arden is too cute!
Wow those journals are so cute! I wish they weren't sold out.. I'll have to keep my eye on that. Sending hugs and patience your way. Rae has been a snotty nosed sick lady and has been in a fun mood lately too 😉
Did you read Happiest baby on the block? I am trying to debate to read it or not. I have a 3 month old right now and still learning each day.. Your little one is so cute 🙂 Happy Friday
That video and her pics are so super cute- so hard to envision her in tantrum mode! (But I totally believe you haha) Looking forward to checking out the link-up! Happy weekend!
Toddlers are the best and worst… All in one little 20lb package. We haven't hit the tantrums yet (I know it's coming. ALL of lex's friends are well into the throw themselves on the floor scream, hit their heads, and hit everyone else stage)…. Do a book review!
Adorable video! She makes me laugh!
Your baby girl is so cute! Also, I've never heard of that book, but my daughter is turning one next week, and I'm SO getting that book ASAP!!
So very much to say. Love this sweet girl, but OH, do I ever hear ya on toddlerhood being tough. The same happened to J, but it was around 14 months I think — I was like "give me back my child…. this one cannot be mine!" Toddlers be crazy. That's exactly why they are so adorable and hilarious… it makes it a wash!
I'm ordering one of those journals right this second.
A SPD recipe swap?! Whaaaaa?? I suck at cooking, so maybe I'll just do my standard popcorn treat that has fun sprinkles or green m&ms and call it a day?
Let's get together SOON! XO.
Pretty sure I need to get that book, stat.
Holy cow, that video – SO CUTE!!!!
I'm reading that book RIGHT NOW for exactly the same reason. He has tons of great tips and advice and I've already noticed that some of them are working on Mac already. I think it'll be even better in a few months or a year from now when Mac can really talk and understand more, but there are lots of good suggestions for younger kids.
Huh-hoo! So cute! LC has been little Miss Cranky this week and I'm missing my sweet, laid back baby! Thinking ill be ordered the book too- Have a great weekend friend! 😉
Stopping by from the link-up and I love your blog! And your daughter is precious!
Stoping by from the link up. I have an 18 month old girl also and if that book has the secrets- PLEASE let me know:-)
Ugh! Toddlers!
Aw I love those journals! I need to be so much better about writing down our answered prayers, because really, the list is endless.
THAT VIDEO. All those necklaces. Her sweet little voice!!
Oh man – I think they are entering that stage! Charlie literally falls on the ground face first screaming and crying now when he's hungry or is mad at me. At home I just laugh at him…but at Target on Monday, yeah, it wasn't cool!! These kids!!
Love you friend!