Oh Arden,
What a week! Or I guess I should say weekend…we’ve kind of just been recovering ever since 🙂
When I was pregnant we decided it would be a great idea to take you to your first K-State game when they played TCU in Fort Worth. Well after you were born and as that weekend got closer and closer, I started to panic a little bit. About the 4-hour drive, about the 3-hour game, about your first night in a hotel room. Now that it’s over I wouldn’t put it on the list of “easiest things I’ve ever done,” but we survived, and you were such a trooper!
To start, you slept for the first 2.5 hours of the trip. Say what?! You’ve hardly ever napped for more than an hour, so let me just say thank you for choosing this time to do it. When we got to the game we had to walk for about a mile to get to the stadium–and then it took another 10 minutes to find our seats at the VERY top. Note to self: next time you take a baby to a football game, splurge on the lower seats. I almost cried when I looked up the straight-up stairs, and I’m pretty sure we got dirty looks from everyone in the crowd. I know, I know…what were we thinking?! Well, despite the fact that we were right next to the jumbotron speaker and the wind was blowing at 40 mph, you slept in the sling for most of the first quarter. However, I was still so worried that I don’t think I saw a single play of the game. After you woke up, we headed (carefully) down to the bathroom so I could change and feed you…and while we were in there your dad found us some awesome chairs in the handicap section that a lady sitting there said we could use. Hallelujah! So we switched you to the Bjorn for a change in position, and watched the rest of the game from that spot. When you weren’t sleeping you were looking all around, taking it in so curiously. You seemed to love the atmosphere. So now we know you like bars and football games. I have no idea where you get that from…
We ended the game by going down to the nice seats to see some of my Pi Phi friends, Katie and Annie. Hard to believe it’s been 6 years since I initiated those girls. Don’t worry, I’ll be there when you’re initiated too 😉
All in all, it was a lot of fun and you did better than I could’ve ever expected. Even so, as we were walking out of the game your dad and I both agreed we would stay home the next weekend. After a crazy 24 hours, watching the Baylor game from our couch sounded pretty darn good!

I should also tell you…your dad is amazing. He was super dad during this trip and he didn’t even mind missing parts of the game to take care of you. So congrats girly–you are more important to him that K-State football. Let me tell you, it’s a short list! 🙂
In other news, I got a little carried away with headbands this week. You’re surprised, I know.
This one came from one of my favorite Etsy shops, Sherbert Lane. I mean, how cute are you?!
I love the soft jersey material and I think it’s more comfy for you. Your dad always says that you’re going to have a permanent headband indention in your head from the elastic. Don’t listen to him 🙂
This adorable headband came from Little Hip Squeaks. Your dad made the mistake of leaving this one on you when he put you down for a nap. He handed me the monitor when you started to cry and was cracking up because he said it looked like a terrorist video…the headband had fallen down over your eyes and basically blindfolded you. Big time dad fail–haha.
Do you see a resemblance?! 🙂

Other than playing dress-up, we’ve done a lot of Christmas shopping this week. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror at the mall on Tuesday and was so embarrassed–I looked like I’d just rolled out of bed! But hey, you were decked out in a new outfit with matching accessories…so that’s all that matters, right? Mommy problems…
We also went by your daycare to check it out again. I got to meet your teachers and go through all of the daily logistics with the owner. Everyone was so nice and I got the same great feeling about it that I did when we picked it out earlier this year. I’m not looking forward to the big day in 2.5 weeks, but I feel much better knowing you’ll be in great hands.
Things you’re loving this week…
1. Growling (but we already know about that!)
2. Playing airplane.
2. Looking at yourself in the mirror.
3. Smiling at us when you’re supposed to be sleeping. Sometimes you decide you’re only going to nap for 10 minutes…so when I go in and try to get you back to sleep, you spit out your pacifier and flash one of those big smiles at me. You win, Arden…you win.
Well, I think that about covers it. I can’t wait to spend a weekend at home with you, your dad, and this girl…
Next week we’ll be celebrating your 3-month birthday and Thanksgiving! Lots of fun ahead 🙂
Love you!

What carriers do you have? the sling looks really nice!
You made it! Glad she could see her Cats in person and get a W.
Also, can I come to Arden's initiation too? 🙂
I keep thinking about what Taylor said this weekend, "you know Arden has been alive for every kstate win" or something along those words. She is such a trooper alright and so are you guys for being brave!
Alexandra – it's a Hava sling. Kind of tricky to figure out at first, but now I'm really liking it!
Ali – YES 🙂
Trina – I know! She's our little good luck charm I think 🙂
Ok, I was going to write about the pictures I love but that is like all of them!!! The black and white one… dying!! ALSO, the "terrorist" headband incident made me laugh out loud!!
I am a new follower and loving your blog. I am a Pi Phi as well at Oregon Alpha!
So glad you guys had a great trip – and reading about your anxiety at looking at the stairs…I can just feel it. And of course she would love bars and football games!!! 🙂
Um – the chevron headband is the cutest ever and the terrorist comment cracks me up. Sweet Arden!!