Here’s a tip. If you want your pregnancy to fly by…just try to have a baby in early spring. It must have been the holidays, because it seems like I was 20 weeks along–then I blinked and BabyCenter’s telling me we’re 33 weeks in. THIRTY-THREE WEEKS! Whoa!
Now that Christmas and New Years are behind us, we really have been in full baby mode…and it feels good! Here’s what’s going on lately…
Chris is almost finished with the shiplap accent wall in the nursery. Meanwhile, I’ve been hoarding decor items in our bedroom. I can’t wait until the painting is finished so I can start breaking it all out and making sure it actually goes together…
I actually took a bump pic! And if you were wondering, squeezing your big belly into a Chiefs shirt will not make them win. Oh what a let down that game was!
If you’ve been reading for awhile, you might remember that Nash’s delivery was a scary one…and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little (or a lot) anxious about how this one is going to go down. I’d love to A. get an epidural and B. keep my uterus in my body. Now is that too much to ask?!? 😉 We’ll start checking my platelets this week (in the past, this is the point that they began to drop) and then check them every week hereafter. If they do end up being low like the last two times, the plan is to get a steroid shot the day before my induction and hopefully boost them up so I can get an epidural. If not, I plan to bring a big wad of cash to the hospital to bribe the anesthesiologist. Kidding! Kind of. As for “Operation Keep My Uterus” (ha!)…I had a high-risk ultrasound about a month ago, which led the doctors to believe that the chances of another inversion are very low. Hallelujah!
I wrote this post for the Kansas City Mom’s Blog a couple of weeks ago…but I think we may have made some name progress since then. If I can convince Chris to make a final decision SOON, I may have time to monogram all the things. Pray for me, will ya? 😉
And that’s all the baby news I have for now. Stay tuned for nursery pics and platelet updates. Only the exciting stuff, of course!

You look amazing!!! Fingers crossed that darn uterus stays inside during delivery. Doesn’t it know its job? 😉 Glad everything is going great and can’t wait to see the nursery finished!!
Haha, I couldn’t agree more! A third pregnancy is always faster and especially over the holiday season… x
I see a Dock-A-Tot!!! We love our Dock-A-Tot. Our babe sleeps in it every night and sleeps extremely well! I wish the same for you. Best of luck with your pregnancy and delivery!
Chels @ Red Velvet Rooster
You are adorable. And somehow I never read Nash’s birth story. My goodness that is intense! I hope that this little lady’s birth is uneventful.
The holidays made the last trimester with Marcus FLY (he’s a March baby)! It was like, one minute, time is dragging. Cue holidays. The next minute, time to have a baby! I didn’t hate it.
That Chiefs game. OY! So. So. Ugly. Moving along. When do pitchers and catchers report for the Royals? 😉
Can’t wait to meet this little, and see the finished nursery, along with learn the name!
The Chiefs game was so sad. I was mad! lol. You look adorable!
I was rooting for Kansas City, what a bummer! Praying you have a better delivery experience this time around. Looks like you have some fun decor pieces picked out for the nursery. Looking forward to seeing the finished product!
That Chiefs game. Wahhhh.
I remember that with Mabel(May birthday) how time just blasted past because of the holidays! It was crazy! I didn’t have that with Abigail so it was crazy what a difference that made.
Are you planning on having more kids? I would probably just let them take my uterus if I knew I was done, one less thing to worry about down the line!
You are looking so great by the way! I saw a pic of the shiplap done in the nursery on IG and it looks AMAZING!!!