How is it possible that it’s been an entire year since our wedding?!? Maybe it’s cliche, but I really do feel like it was yesterday. While the last 365 days have flown by, quite a bit has happened too. We’ve moved (twice), changed jobs at work, explored new cities, added a little furry child to our family…and I wouldn’t change a minute of it. I am so thankful for Chris. He drives me crazy, but keeps me sane at the same time. He is my best friend and the person that makes me laugh the most in this world. Okay, that’s actually Mitch Hedberg, but Chris is a close second 🙂
Today we plan to dig into our wedding cake, which has traveled through multiple states and thawed halfway about 5 times. In other words, it could be interesting! Don’t worry, the cake lady saved the awful “C” and put it on top for me. It’s like she knew how much I despised it and wanted to play a joke on me a year later! Sorry, time to give it up…I know. 🙂
Also on the agenda is re-watching our wedding slideshow…at least 10 times. A year later, and I still can’t get enough. Choosing Rebecca as a photographer was the best decision we made while planning our wedding. Just love her!
I was going to upload some of my favorite pictures but blogger just isn’t having it and I only got one through. Sorry, but you’ll have to watch the video now instead 🙂
Happy Anniversary Chris!!!!

Love your blog Vanessa!!! It's great to see what you're up to! Hope Texas is treating you well. P.S. Mitch Hedberg is Tyler and My fave comedian ever!!!