I’m pretty sure there’s an unofficial rule somewhere that states: it’s not summer until you’ve had shaved ice. Am I right?! Well Arden has been begging to kick off her summer at the shaved ice stand, so this week we finally made it happen.
This was our first time to Jarvy’s in Lenexa and it was a HUGE hit! Jarvy’s is owned by the family of one of Arden’s best buds from school and church…so both kids were excited to go to “Mia’s shaved ice stand”. Nash got out of the van, knocked on the side of the little building and said, “is this Mia’s house??” Ha!!
In honor of her little bestie, Arden got a “Mia’s Rainbow”. Isn’t it pretty??
Being the baseball fan he is, Nash went for the “Forever Royal”…and Chris and I shared a “Lovebird”. I know…cute, right? ?
Okay, so I learned a little something about shaved ice during our visit. It is totally not the same as a sno cone!!!! Did you know this?!? I was expecting little crunchy ice cubes, but instead it was deliciously soft shaved ice (hence the name I suppose, ha) that melts in your mouth. I had no idea that I was going to like it so much! And if you can’t tell, these two were biiiiiig fans…
Pretty much the perfect refresher for a HOT day. Especially for Chris who was still in his work clothes. Sorry bud!
We left with sticky hands and stained tongues…but I’d say that’s a sign of a good time!
Another sign of a good summer evening is THIS. Bag-O, Cornhole, whatever you want to call it…everybody had fun throwing the beanbags around!
If you’re in the area, you have to check out Jarvy’s! And don’t be surprised if you see us there–because we’re officially making ourselves regulars 🙂 I’m just so glad we have a fun little local spot like this! They also just opened a new stand in Lansing…so if you live in that direction, stop in and see them there!!
Now for the FUN! Jarvy’s is letting me give away a summer’s worth of shaved ice!!!! That’s 14 gift cards so you can get a shaved ice every week of the summer! Or take 13 friends and spend it all at once–whatever floats your boat!
Entering is easy peasy…just use the Rafflecopter widget below. The giveaway closes Sunday night and the winner will be announced on Monday, June 19th! Good luck, friends!

I have got to check out that place!
Just tried this for the first time last week! Can’t say I’d be sad about winning a summer’s worth! 😉 And let us know if you want to meet there after naps someday! Totally down!