We are so lucky. Not in the win-the-lottery kind of way, but more so in the fact that Chris and I have the most amazing friends and family. I’ve always known this, however, the whole “bringing a baby into the world” thing makes it even more apparent.
This Saturday my sister, sister-in-law, and mom threw us the most adorable baby shower. I told them nothing special–some punch and cake would be more than enough. Clearly they didn’t listen…
My mom broke out the old boxes in the basement to find some of my baby clothes…
The food was delicious…and cute!
…and kind of hilarious 🙂
There were lots of vintage touches, which we’re going to reuse in the baby’s room. I just love the antique Carter’s box.
And now I present to you: the cutest cookies in the world. The best part was that they were really good too! I feel like you usually get one or the other…or neither if I’m the one making them.
Chris and I got a quick picture before he was banished to the basement with the rest of the guys to watch baseball and drink beer. He was really bummed.
My favorite girls 🙂
The wonderful hostesses. Kind of like the cookies, I don’t think it’s very often that you get a sister and sister-in-law that double as great friends. 🙂
My mom. The best Gigi in the world!
Maren and Norah were the official shower greeters. “Welcome, please come in” 🙂
After chatting and eating we played a celebrity baby name game. AKA: match these crazy names to their even crazier famous parents. Sadly, I won–which only confirms my addiction to E! News, TMZ, etc. Chris thinks maybe I need to turn on the History channel instead since I would definitely fail any quiz in that category. I think that’s what he’s for though. We would dominate as a trivia team…I could cover entertainment and he’d handle…uhhh…everything else.
After the game it was time for gifts. We added some great gear to the baby collection and of course got some adorable outfits.
Thanks to Van, our little one is all set for football season. I’ve got plans for a purple tutu to match!
Chris’ mom made some dresses out of beautiful vintage pillow cases. I can’t wait until our little one is big enough to wear them!
As you could probably guess, I had some little helpers. I bet they think baby showers are so cool…unlimited lemonade, cookies and rice krispie pops!
Looking around the shower I got the same feeling that I had on our wedding day. It’s just awesome to have so many of your favorite people in one place.
There are these two…old roomies, best friends, new and soon-to-be moms…crazy!
And these girls. I can’t believe that our friendships started 14+ years ago…are we that old?! We have so many memories at my parents’ house, which made it really fun to be back there again to reminisce. Plus I got more time with sweet Evie!
Finally, the whole group. I can’t even tell you how much it meant to have them all there. It’s hard to believe that the next time I’ll see everyone I will be a mom. Someone’s MOM! Feels like just yesterday we were running around Aggieville–and now it’s all engagements, weddings and babies. We’re really growing up you guys! 🙂
I didn’t get pictures with Mom T. or some of the other friends and family–but I appreciate them being there so much. This baby has no idea how lucky she is to have all of these people in her life!
Thanks to everyone who made the day so special 🙂

You are lucky, everything looked beautiful! Congrats to you and your husband 🙂 Cat
V, this all looks truly amazing! So sad I missed out. Ok, I'll stop stalking you now. Wait… there's still instagram.
You looked so cute!! PS… you know I would of gave you a run for your money on celebrity quiz 😉
The shower looks and sounds like it was wonderful! You look great, and I am so sad I have missed seeing and celebrating with you! Closing in on the sweet little girl being here!!
You are stunning. That's all.
such a cute shower!! love and want to eat those cookies! oh, and you are probably the most adorbale prego ever. 🙂
What a beautiful shower! And I just about died when I saw the rice krispie cake pops…oh my goodness they look so cute and yummy. Lastly, I just love your hair. It's so precious!