After a productive weekend, I’m REALLY anxious to share nursery pictures–but there are still a few things left to do before it’s officially ready. I’m going to attempt (<–key word) to make a rug and I think we may find a few more trinkets at First Fridays this week before heading to my cousin’s wedding in Iowa.
In the meantime though, I thought I’d show you some pictures of a little lamp makeover I did this weekend. My mom has a good eye and spotted this adorable milk glass lamp at Vintage Market the last time I was home. The lampshade was less than desirable, but I knew that could be easily fixed…

So to spruce it up a bit, I bought a cheap white shade at Target and used spray adhesive to add an antique doily and flower embellishments. On the first try I covered the entire thing in doilies…and while it looked pretty cool when the lamp was on, it just seemed a little sloppy.
I am much happier with the simpler look of try #2 🙂

It’s the perfect, sweet touch to the baby’s room…which I promise I will post pictures of very soon!
Hope everyone has a great 4th of July!

Ahhh!!! So fun. I'm anxious to see this room. From this small detail I'm pretty sure it's going to be AWESOME!!! Great job!
So lovely!
LOVE this lamp!! It's so cute!! Can't wait to see it all!! Still wanting to plan a time after these babes get here to see it in person 🙂
that lamp is gorgeous!!!!