My sister is a master Craigslister–she buys and sells kids stuff like it’s her job. And as it turns out, it might be genetic.
It all started with a Baby Bjorn a couple months ago. A $15 swap in the Target parking lot and I was hooked! A few weeks after that I tasked Chris with the oh-so-fun job of cleaning out and organizing out attic. One of the few things I don’t like about living in Texas–there are no basements. I miss watching movies in a cold, dark room on the weekends…but more so, I miss all that storage space. So since one of our guest bedrooms was being converted into the nursery, we had to move all of the furniture up and get rid of the mattress and box spring that wouldn’t fit up the stairs. As Chris cleaned the attic out we added more and more junk to our Craigslist pile–then it was my job to take pictures and list the items. By lunch time on the first day I’d made $250…and now that it’s all gone, our total is up to about $450. Some of it was good stuff, but some of it I couldn’t believe that people actually wanted it. It’s just crazy to me that someone will drive a half hour for a $10 end table that they could get at a Target near their house for $20. The thrill of a deal I guess!
Okay, so with our earnings I started doing some shopping of my own…and if you can’t tell (since I dedicated half a blog post to it) I’m really proud of what I ended up with. A Nap Nanny and a Mamaroo swing, both in perfect condition, for half the store price. I am puuuuuumped….
I’m sure this new-found obsession will only get worse once the baby is born…but hey, we’re saving money.
Here’s a quick 24 week update. I know this is all old news since most of the people that read this blog also read my other pregnant friends’ blog…so you’re getting it all again 3 months and 3 weeks later, without Ali’s amazing photography or Brittany’s funny stories. Sorry, I’ll try to come up with a way to spice things up and make it more interesting 🙂
Yep, still in that awkward “is she pregnant or did she just eat a huge burrito?” stage.

How far along: 24 weeks
Size of Baby C: 1 foot long
Fruit/vegetable comparison (according to Baby Center): Ear of corn
Total weight gain: 9 lbs
Sleep: Can’t complain
Movement: Lots. My favorite thing in the evenings is to lay on the couch and watch the kicks. I don’t think that will EVER get old. Plus, Chris giggles like a little kid every time he sees it…so that’s entertaining too.
Unglamorous body changes: This isn’t new but before I even started showing my back completely filled out. In other words, there’s no arch anymore. I sure hope it comes back post-pregnancy!
Maternity Clothes? Sometimes. But let’s be honest–I work from home, I only wear regular clothes on the weekends anyway 🙂
Showing: More and more every day.
Food cravings: I’ve upgraded from Cuties to bigger Cara Cara oranges. They are so good.
What I miss: Body Pump. I realize I could probably do it with some modifications…but I’m a chicken. Instead I just spend my lunch hour on the treadmill watching my old class getting toned. But when they start doing the dreaded lunges I don’t miss it all that much!
Anything making you queasy: Nope.
Strange experiences: How about awful experience instead? Chris started painting the paneling in the nursery on Thursday night and he had to use an oil-based paint to match the baseboards. I steered clear of the room and next time will probably just leave the house because the stuff is so strong. Well, whenever he paints he always wraps the rolls and puts them in the fridge overnight so they don’t dry out. Smart, right? Well typically he uses latex paint, not oil-based paint…so when he opened the fridge the next morning the smell could about knock you over. I called the manufacturer of our refrigerator and they said that all of the food in both the fridge and the freezer had likely soaked up the fumes/chemicals/whatever…so we needed to get rid of everything that wasn’t in it’s original sealed package. But after googling oil-based paints and pregnancy, I just decided to throw everything away. Even the things that were sealed reeked of the paint so I knew I’d never be able to eat them. I think this was my first official pregnancy breakdown. I had just stocked up when we got back form Florida and was just watching money go down the drain. When I put an unopened box of Skinny Cow ice cream cones in the trash bag, I just lost it…so pathetic. So now we’ve completely cleaned the fridge and let baking soda and coffee soak up the smell for a day. This weekend we’ll be restocking all of the basics. I know Chris felt terrible about it but I’m sure I would’ve done the same thing. I’m just happy knowing we don’t have to worry about it now every time we eat something. Better safe than sorry!
Milestones: She is starting to plump up and get baby fat under her skin. I looooove chubby babies.
Best moment this week: Scoring those awesome deals on Craigslist. Our other guest bedroom is really filling up with baby gear and it makes me so happy.
Looking forward to: Finishing (aka Chris finishing) the walls in the nursery so we can really start decorating. We got the furniture last week and it is perfect!

You look so cute!! Cannot wait to see you this week and sweet little baby girl Calcara!!!!!
So I am a random reader (through Callie's blog) but I would have lost it to throwing away skinny cow ice cream cones!!! I'm addicted 🙂 Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy!
I love your updates! So sad about your food in your fridge…that would have been a meltdown for me too. Miss you!