Okay, so technically it’s my second…but the first one got lost somewhere in cyberspace last week, and this one is way cuter.
She’s either going to be a soccer player or a river dancer, I’m not sure…
I’m interested to see what this Vine thing will turn into. I don’t completely get it yet, but I remember saying that about “the Facebook” too 🙂

So cute!!! Ok so I made an account on Vine and did a few videos and LOVED it. However, I had been seeing all these people comment on Kelle Hampton's instagram account about Vine and someone stealing a video of a baby and making it into a porn (WTF!?!?). Even though I read that I was thinking that's not real. Then I got an app upgrade for Vine and it asked me to OK it as there is content for over 17….and I freaked out and deleted it!?!? Have you heard/seen anything like that? I loved the app and I love the concept of the short videos SO much!!!!
SOO funny!! She's such a cutie pie!!