After 3 months of weekly trips to fabric stores, and hours upon hours of scouring the internet…on Monday, I finally found the perfect fabric for our living room curtains. Don’t get me wrong, there were plenty of fabrics I liked, but I wasn’t about to pay $35 a yard–especially when I needed 12 yards. Seriously though, who pays $35 a yard for fabric? When I saw the exact red ikat pattern I’d envisioned at $8.95/yard, I jumped right on it. I was really hoping to have it before the weekend, but when I checked the status of my order on Friday it still said “not yet shipped”. 20 minutes later, I see the FedEx guy running up to our house with a long tube package in hand. Yesssssss. My niece Norah always yells, “presents! presents!” when she sees a UPS or FedEx truck. I know the feeling, Norah!
So here it is. I looooove it…
My original plan was to use Stitch Witchery (an iron-on bonding tape) so I didn’t have to break out the sewing machine. Well, after I’d only gotten 8 inches in about 20 minutes and it wasn’t really sticking, I gave up and broke out the old Singer. “This should take me 30 minutes max,” I thought. HA! Yeah, maybe if I used my sewing machine more than once a year and could ever remember how to thread the thing! I kept getting a looped stitching on the bottom of the fabric, so I thought it was a bobbin problem. 3 hours of “common sewing machine problems” videos later, I found out that I missed a hook when threading and it threw off the tension. I was literally cheering when I figured it out. It’s the little things in life, I guess.
So once I got to sewing, it really did only take me 30 minutes. Curtain panels are about as easy as you can get…you fold over and iron an inch on 3 sides, then a larger fold on the top to make the pocket that the rod will slide through. Then sew. Easy as that!
Here’s an old picture that shows you the bare, before-windows.
And here’s the finished product!
I rarely like the way my projects turn out the first time, but I am so so happy with these. I may go back and add a liner, but I kind of think I like them light and airy.

Curtains just make such a big difference in a room. I never thought it looked bad before, but it just looks so much better now. Since I had planned to do 4 panels at first, I’ve got some extra fabric to use for pillows and something over the kitchen sink. I love this fabric so much, I might just make myself a dress. Kidding. I wouldn’t know the first thing about sewing clothing 😉
While I was crafting in the comfort of my air conditioned home, Chris was outside in 100 degree heat dealing with this:
Who decides to extend their patio in June…in Houston? Apparently we do. We started back up at 6:00 this morning to beat the heat. Sounds like fun, huh?? More to come on the patio project.

Curtains looks awesome!
Love Ikat. Soooo jealous of those beautiful curtains!
Great Curtains! Also, when Chris is done with the patio, you should submit it to this contest…
They look great Vanessa! So chic yet simple! I admire your sewing skillz:)