Our ornery little angel (is that an oxymoron?) will be 14 months old this week. While I definitely don’t miss wrangling him for those impossible monthly pictures, I do miss journaling about his crazy antics. And considering I’ve written about 8 words in his baby book, I think I owe him some random update posts on the ol’ blog.
So here’s what the Nash Man has been up to lately…
He’s got the best waddle in the whole wide world. He has to swing that belly back and forth for extra speed 😉
He’s not afraid of strangers. He acted like he’d known Santa all his life and roamed around an extended family Christmas like he owned the place.
He still loves makeup and jewelry. (see picture below)
His vocabulary consists of: Daddy, Arden, Gigi, Yay, Whoa, Uh Oh, and Mommy. Mommy…1,000 + times a day. Don’t get me wrong, it’s cute and sweet and all of that, but my somedays I feel a little bit like Lois. It’ll be nice one day when “mommy” doesn’t = “I want”!!! 😉
He has the heartiest fake laugh you’ve ever heard…and he especially likes using it when he sees someone sleeping. I fear he’s a class clown in the making! ha!
Big boy still loves to eat. When we start to hand him something good he will do a little wiggle dance….then once he tastes it he gives a slow, dramatic nod as if to say “yessss…this is good”.
I’m still nursing him in the morning and at night. Although I’m sure I’ll be a little sad about it, I’m also looking forward to being done in the next month or two.
Arden is his favorite person in the world, but he still enjoys stealing her toys. Lately he’s been grabbing a toy and running the other direction….all while looking over his shoulder and smirking. Just the beginning, I’m sure!
Oh I forgot one other word/name he knows: Bobby. Who’s Bobby, you ask? Oh it’s just the name he’s given his favorite YouTube video, Mahna Mahna. He couldn’t have cared less about videos a month ago and now everytime he sees a screen of any kind he yells “BOBBY!”
If he could wish for anything it would probably be to go to preschool with Arden for a day. He’s always trying to sneak over to the activity tables during drop-off and pickup…he just wants to hang with the big kids so badly!
He’s a total charmer. He has women of all ages making over him wherever we go…and he just eats it up.

Oh and did I mention he’s pretty much officially on one nap now? Somedays he has no problem making it until after lunch, and other days…yeah, not so much.
Not to worry though, we got him right home for a long nap in his own comfy bed 🙂

Love you, sweet Nash!

Oh my goodness! Nash is one cute little man! His smile kills me. And it's the smile that lets the ornery ones get away with stuff. Ha ha!
I just adore him!!
haha such a goofy little boy! I love the stealing and running off with the toys. Mischievous smiles can be pretty cute.
Precious little man – just love him! x
I love him!!!
Oh my goodness, what a ham! I am so madly in love with him! He's hilarious! I think he and Mim would get along famously! She also loves the word "Bobby" which is what she calls our nanny.
He seems like such a ham. So cute, Vanessa!!
He seems like such a fun loving boy and his personality seems a lot like our little Ben! The his is such an exploring and crazy phase haha. Love the video of him sleeping and eating! We are constantly amazed at how much they can eat! Happy 14 months to Nash!
LOVE him!!! I watched that video of him eating on IG and died laughing. Poor boy. The struggle is real!
Ha! He is the sweetest! Nash seems to have fun wherever he goes, whatever he's doing. His personality definitely shines!
Ahhh the cutest!