Height: 27.8 in
Weight: 16lbs
Head: 16.7 in
Perhaps you noticed something missing around here? Like your 3, 4 and 5 month posts? All I can say is: whoops. Life is crazy…but at least I took pictures, right?! Does that count for something?!?
Over the last four months you went from sleeping like a rockstar…to barely sleeping…to sleeping again (thank you, Lord!) You’ve transformed from a newborn who mostly sleeps and eats…to a BABY who babbles, rolls, smiles and giggles. And while I adored you as a teeney tiny newbie, this age and up is my jam. Here’s the run down of what’s been going on this month…
A couple weeks ago you finally decided to give the rolling thing a try…and you haven’t stopped since. I’ll put you down in the middle of the living room rug, do something quick in the kitchen, and the next thing I know you’re on the hardwood floor peering over at me.
You are the easy going baby I always hoped I’d get 😉 Don’t tell the older two, but they were pretty high maintenance compared to you!! You get toted everywhere, passed around to a lot of people, take many naps on the go…and yet, you’re the happiest baby ever.
You’re definitely a momma’s girl. Let’s keep it that way, okay?? 🙂
We started solids this month…woohoo! So far you’ve had oat cereal, green beans, sweet potatoes, butternut squash and bananas. You’ve liked everything but the squash, which you ate anyway. Like I said…easy going!!!
Guess who’s still not interested in a bottle? Yep, you. I stressed about it for awhile, but now I’ve decided the best thing to do is to just embrace it. You’re my last baby and the last one who will ever need me and only me. And surely you’re not going to let yourself starve when I go to Heather’s bachelorette party…right?!?! ??
When you get mad your eyebrows get bright red…and I kind of love it. Is that mean?
Speaking of RED…your hair is looking pretty strawberry these days. I have no idea where that would come from, but it would be so cute!!!
I love everything about you, but your constant smile might be my very favorite thing of all. I hope you always have this much joy in your heart!
You like my dance moves. Or at least you think they’re funny 😉
Arden continues to be top on your list, but Nash is starting to win you over too. Craziness and all!
You are such a joy, Hartley Evans. I’m so glad you’re ours!
And here’s proof that I at least took your picture each month 🙂

So precious! I love all the leg rolls. 🙂
And the best baby award goes to…….
seriously! I adore her!
Oh my goodness Vanessa she’s growing up! Love that smile too! And napping on the run is the beauty of the 3rd child–haha remember when we protected nap time at all costs?? Not a possible now! Hope all is well friend miss seeing you at preschool pick up.
gosh, she might look even more like you than Arden does! what a cutie.
Oh sweet mama, I just adore this little face and that cheeky grin!!! Such a happy babe!
How are out girls 6 months old already?? Where has the time gone?
I love reading your updates as a comparison to ours – can’t believe how tall your baby girl is and how chunky ours is? Haha!
Imagine if they could meet and roll and coo together?