You may be starting to notice a trend amongst my blog posts…yes, they’re all in Kansas. This time around I came back for Brittany’s baby shower on Saturday and decided it made more sense to just stay in town until we left for my family reunion at the lake tomorrow. No complaints here!
Here are some of the highlights of these fun few days in KC.
Britt’s baby shower was great! Lauren is a party planning machine and did such a good job with the decor, the game, etc. Here’s a pic with the cute mom-to-be…love her outfit!
And handsome little Jackson in the outfit I gave him. I kept thinking Emily really had a “bride’s glow” at her wedding a few weeks ago, but apparently it’s just her…and I’m quite jealous.
Brittany got so many great gifts for Baby Carter and we all had a good laugh at the Bumbo Elvis baby’s expense 🙂
Don’t even get me started on this guy…cutest kid EVER. Such a good pic of Brodie and his mommy!
Baby Carter will be here in less than 2 months and I can’t wait! After seeing his nursery on Sunday, I’d say his parents are more than ready for his arrival. The only thing they need–more K-State gear to even out all of the Jayhawk stuff that’s taking over his closet. I think I can help out with that 🙂 My apologies ahead of time, Jimmy!
All in all, it was such a great shower for a great person. Now the countdown begins until baby C arrives!
As soon as the shower was over my mom and I had to rush out the door to make it to Maren’s dance recital. She made it pretty clear that you don’t go to a recital unless you bring flowers, so a pit-stop at HyVee was necessary.
She did a great job and looked adorable…
That evening I hung out with Heather at her new place. Love that girl.
I’ve also gotten some good quality time in with my parents.
Here is the finished product of my dad’s playhouse–complete with lights, a ceiling fan and a doorbell. Chris thinks this collage makes them look like they live there…I assure you, they don’t 🙂
My mom and I also got to do some shopping and antiquing. We were both pretty excited about these great nursery finds…
On Monday night I hung out with the Shields fam and met sweet baby Evie. I wish I would’ve taken pictures but I was too busy soaking up every piece of advice they had to offer about labor, life with a newborn, etc. I just love seeing my friends become moms–and Jenni is definitely meant for the part. Evie is a lucky girl to have parents like Jen and Brian!
And finally, last night we enjoyed the gorgeous weather at the K. I can’t say I watched much of the game, but can you blame me? I was surrounded by cuties like this one…
So tomorrow it’s off to the Ozarks for one of my favorite weekends of the year. You can count on lots of pictures from that trip!

We did get a picture together!!! I'm stealing and adding to my blog post 🙂 Love it!!! So glad you were able to come in town and spend the week in KC!!!! We love when you come back!!