18 months…also known as a year and a half…also known as 6 months shy of 2 years. What in the world?!? How did this happen?!! For some reason my mind has Nash stuck at 10 months. Surely he can’t be older than that? I guess it’s kind of like how I still want to tell people I’m 26…but uh, that’s not true! Anyway, here’s what our little hunk of love has been up to lately…
His personality is BIG. He can turn you into a puddle with his charm…but he can also make you want to run the other way with his tantrums. I prefer the charming moments, although the tantrums are sometimes pretty funny too. He can fling his body around and hit some angry breakdancing moves like it’s nobody’s business!
I’m pretty sure the kid would spend every minute outside if we’d let him. He can hear an outside door open from a mile away…and he’s constantly standing at the garage door saying, “tide?” (outside). His loves the play set and has no trouble keeping up with his sister. Lately he’s even been turning his nose up to the bucket swing and demanding to swing like a big kid. Scary part is that he can actually do it! And when he’s done he lets you know by yelling “Aaahhh done!”
I still like to think he’s a mommas boy, but he loves his daddy something fierce too. Randomly throughout the day he’ll say “Daddy…’are you??”
Chris’ aunt told me when he was a toddler they called him “Boo Boo the Destroyer”. Let’s just say the nickname has been passed down a generation. Arden has always been a rule-following kind of kid…so I’m still adjusting to having a child who walks around looking for something to break. I’m hoping since his father turned out (mostly) normal, that Nash will grow out of it too 😉
He always has his finger in his belly button. Such a dude!
He’ll eat almost anything…and sometimes clears his sister’s plate too.
I love the way he grabs my thumb and leads me to something he needs. 9 times out of 10 it’s food. He is a growing boy I guess!
He adores Arden, but he also looooves to pester her. One morning they were fighting over a hairbrush (naturally) and Arden won. So what did Nash do? He grabbed her favorite Anna doll and tossed it in the toilet. Then he looked over his shoulder like, “Yep. That just happened.” Pray for me when these two are teenagers, okay?
He has the best fake laugh ever. It’s so hearty and just plain ridiculous…you can’t help but laugh with him.
He calls his pacifier “me” and he loves it so very much. (Kind of ironic considering he despised it for the first 4 months of his life!) We probably need to be a little firmer and only give it to him at bedtime…but when someone is screaming “meeeeeeeeee” repeatedly from the backseat…sometimes you just say whatever and hand it over 😉
Apparently he’s a car guy. He loves him some “beep beeps”!
His vocabulary has really exploded the last month or so, however, we’re probably the only people that can understand all of it. Here are some of Nash’s new words: water, book, shoes, love you, door, house, bike, applesauce, up, down, ouch, flower, baseball and hot.
One thing I hope I never forget is how both of my kids would hum themselves to sleep at this age. As soon as I give Nash a kiss and walk away from his bed he starts humming–and it sounds exactly like Arden used to! He’s also started learning Twinkle Twinkle and the ABCs, so I love to hear pieces of those songs on the monitor at night.
Nash weighed in at a whopping 30 pounds at his 18 month appointment this week. Watch out Arden…he’s gaining on you!
I’m not sure if it’s the doctors office lighting or if my arms and face really do look like they belong to 2 different people?!? Anyway…Nash’s farmers tan is way cuter!
“Nash, put your shirt down…you’re embarrassing me in front of my friends!”
This has to be one of my favorite pictures of all time. The girls get stickers at the end of every dance class–and Nash knows the drill!
Happy 18 months, my sweet little monster!!!

Oh sweet Nash! He is Mr. Personality for sure! Love that he shows his belly too. The amount of time I tell Emmy to put her shirt down is countless. Our youngest kids are kindred spirits. We call Emmy a trasher. Ha ha.
Laughing at the fact that he threw Arden’s doll in the toilet! He sure knows how to get back at his big sis lol!
He is seriously the cutest!
I adore him! Happy 18 months, cutie!
So love this age! He’s such a handsome big guy!The belly button thing cracks me up!
Such a sweet age! He’s adorable!
Oh what an absolute sweetheart! And the humming to sleep… How adorable!
He sure is a hunk of love! 30lbs?! His personality just oozes from your pictures. Love it! I have a feeling Wyatt will be a lot like Nash. He was just shy of 20lbs at his 6 month well check.
Glad to know my two aren’t the only ones who pester their sibling on purpose! This summer could get real rough! Happy 1.5, Nash man!
Oh my. What a little sweetie … except for when he dropped Arden’s doll in the toilet! Yikes! I was laughing a little at that, but I know it was probably a far cry from funny when he did that. Oh siblings… Love his little personality – you can even see it in those adorable pictures!