I pretty much have the worst memory ever. I had a great childhood, I know that much…but I wish I could remember all of it, rather than just snapshots. There is, however, one annual event that I remember pretty darn well–that’s our family reunion, or as we Gowers refer to it: “The Lake”. Up until I was in high school we stayed in some cabins at a little 50’s motel called The Temple. I remember its swimming pool and the red slide that we went down 100 times a day. I remember the arcade that we cousins overtook–and the music on the jukebox that the older kids never let me pick. I remember the smell of the “food cabin” and eating a half a bag of potato chips while waiting for someone to come out of the one bathroom that we all shared. I also remember our evenings at the strip–wasting my Grandpa’s money on ski-ball, bumper cars and Silver Falls…and rounding off the night with a double scoop cone–on Grandpa Gower, of course.
Just look how awesome we all looked in 1992! Also, please note my poor cousin Stacy, whose head my Grandma glued into the picture since she couldn’t be there that day. I guess you could say grandma was ahead of the Photoshop game…

So all of this is to say…even with my lousy memory, the lake is something I remember well. And now that I have kids of my own, I want them to grow up with the same sweet memories of this event.
After looking through all of the pictures from that weekend, I’d say we’re on the right track…

Love these people so very much.
My sister organized some fun kids games this year, which were a huge hit. First up–seed spitting contest!

Then on to the limbo…
…and a crazy dance party. They all needed to burn off some sugar, that’s for sure.
Sometimes the big kids joined in on the games too…
Then we made up a game that could’ve been called “go soak your grandpa”. It was everyone’s favorite…except for maybe the grandpas. Also, how much do my dad and his brother Charlie look alike?? They didn’t used to, but now that they both have white hair they’re pretty much twins 🙂
I promise I didn’t purposely plan for Chris and I to have coordinating swimsuits. Or did I?! Mwuahaha.
The cutest cousins that there ever were.

And then it was time for the kids fishing tournament. Thanks to my cousin Gavin and his sweet wife Christy for bringing this tradition back!

Maren wasn’t too pleased with her first stick bass…
You might be thinking that these pictures show a happy family having a great time. What you can’t see is that behind those smiles is a family that’s still hurting badly. I’ve heard that every “first” is hard, but nothing could’ve prepared me for just how hard it would be to spend one of my brother’s favorite weekends without him. I just could not wrap my head around the idea that he wouldn’t be there. On the drive there I even let myself pretend that he was meeting us there with his family, ready to fish, boat, and have a good time. It’s just hard not to let my mind go there sometimes. So I guess you could say the weekend started off pretty rough. But then…pennies started showing up in the most random places, just when we were talking about Josh or at a moment where we were really missing him. And then the most amazing thing happened at the fishing tournament. Kids were catching little bluegills left and right–with the biggest being about 8 inches. That was until Luke’s pole bent into the water and he and Papa reeled in an 18 inch bass. We all knew immediately that that record catch was no accident…Luke’s dad most definitely had a hand in it.

I left the lake this year with peace that I didn’t have when I got there. Peace knowing that Josh was there after all. I’d say this picture proves it…

In the words of my sister-in-law: “#heavenisforreal”
Truly a weekend that none of us will ever forget.

I just love your walk down memory lane as a child, what wonderful memories! I think I want to come to the next Gower reunion, it looked so fun! Such a blessing to feel Josh's presence all weekend. God had His hands all over that one 🙂
Oh my goodness! It looks like you guys had a blast at the lake!
I can't even. Reading this definitely made me all teary-eyed even though I've heard all of these stories in real life. Amazing summary of what looks like an amazing weekend! Hugs, friend!
This is the best!!! So much fun, can I come next year?!! 😉
And the coordinating swimsuits make me happy!!!!!
Love this post, what great memories you have and are creating for your family.
I'm in tears though, the loss of a family member is so hard, firsts are the worst, I promise your heart will heal a little but it's a different life without those loved ones and you'll always think of them but they are watching over you and showing you are there, I love seeing your nephew with his huge catch, his Dad sure did have a part in that. Love you dear friend!
I get all sorts of emotional over super sentimental posts like this. You're making great memories with your babes, Vanessa. Sending you hugs.. every time I get really upset over the loss of my best friend butterflies always show up and I just know it's her. & I really love the color of your suit!
oh this so fun! I wish we had more family nearby. When I was growing up we'd go up to Ohio to visit the family and inevitably a chunk of cousins would show up at my uncle's and we'd all play on the floor. One of the best memories from my childhood.
Vanessa, I'm so sorry for the loss of your brother. It must have been such a void to not have him there. Thanks for sharing your heart girl. Your family is so beautiful and it's wonderful that you all continue creating memories!
I always love your stories about the lake each year, and while I don't have a family similar, I do have some same found summer memories that I remember vividly. I think it's so cool you get to experience it with your children. I'm also so very sorry for the loss of your brother, it;s beautiful you were able to feel his presence with you on your trip.
Looks like a wonderful trip, you're blessed to have such precious memories! I'm so sorry about your brother, he sounds like an amazing man, your family is in my thoughts and prayers.
is very good
Looks like a great trip! So glad you were able to feel a peace about it before you went home!
This is the best!!! So much fun, can I come next year?!! 😉
And the coordinating swimsuits make me happy!!!!!