Length: 26″
Weight: 14lbs 7oz
Head Circumference: 16.25″
Milestones This Month:
- Grabbing
and pulling. If I’m lucky, it’s a toy you’re grabbing and not my hair! One morning I was making breakfast and I
heard some rattling under the activity gym. You had grabbed one of your pull toys and made it shake…and
you haven’t stopped since. - Bumbo
time. I think we can officially
say that you’re a bumbo baby.
However, when you’re ready to get out you don’t wait for me to pick you
up…you just do a back bend and try to fling yourself out. Guess we’re going
to need to fatten up those thighs so you’re wedged in there a little bit better 🙂 - Raspberries. You are such a noisy little thing and I
love it! It was amazing to see you
make this noise for the first time and then practice it over and over
again. Your dad thinks this one is
important because it means you can now imitate farts. He’s got big dreams for you girl. - Rolling
over. Technically this happened a
few days after your 4-month birthday, but close enough! Brittany, Jimmy and Charlie are
visiting right now (yay!) and just before bath time tonight you got so excited
talking to Brittany that you flipped over on your tummy! Britt and I were in shock, but then you
did it again! I think you were
just showing off 🙂 Now it will be interesting to see if
you do it again any time soon. - This
isn’t a milestone to be happy about, but you got your first ear infection this
month. You just weren’t yourself
for a few days, so we were relieved to find out about the infection because it
meant we could get some medicine (bubblegum flavored!) and make you feel
better. Poor, poor baby! - Longer
naps. Every once in awhile we’ll
get an hour or more out of you!
It’s great to have some time to get things done and you just seem so
much more rested. That’s a win/win
in my book.
Things You Like This Month:
- Nursery
Rhymes. This Old Man, Wheels on
the Bus and The Ants Go Marching are a few favorites. - When
Daddy “gnaws at your neck”. He
does this right before bath time and it usually elicits some pretty cute
giggles 🙂 - Getting
dressed up. (Or at least you don’t
seem to mind!) Sometimes we just
play dress-up to see if things in your closet fit yet. I turn on some music and we just hang
out in your room. I LOVE this
time. - Mommy. There’s no better feeling in the world than
walking into the room and watching your face light up when you see me. - Hanging
out in bed with mom and dad in the mornings—you are so happy and talkative. - “Singing” yourself to sleep. This is
something new you’ve been doing lately when you’re really tired and it just makes me melt.
Things You Don’t Like This Month:
- You’re
still not a fan of car rides–unless I’m back there to entertain you of course. High maintenance, I tell you! - Being
held like a baby. You want to face
out and see the world. You’re a big 4-month-old after all! 🙂 - The
gym nursery. We’ve only been twice
before heading home for the holidays, but I’ve been called down to get you
once…and the other time the teacher said you “gave her a run for her
money”. Oh boy! I guess momma’s gonna have to workout a
lot to get you used to being cared for by others. - Sleeping through the night. What happened to my 11 hour sleeper?!? I’m not sure if it’s been the travel, the sickness or the illusive “4 month development spurt”…but I sure hope it ends soon. Funny how I quit my night pumping, got 2 full night’s sleep, and then you decided you’d better start waking up to eat at 2am. Thanks for that little taste of the good life you sneaky girl, you…
Special Memories From This Month:
- Your
baptism. Such a special day. - Your
first Thanksgiving…surrounded by both sets of grandparents and Uncle T. - Your
first roadtrip back to Kansas. 12
hours one way and 15 the other…you were a rockstar! Even so, I never want to do it again 🙂 - Your
first visit to the farm. You liked
it so much you asked if you could go back in May for the Hog Roast! - Your
first Christmas. So very
special. More to come on that…
I can’t believe my little baby is 4 months old. I keep smiling every time I remember
that going back to work consists of hanging out with you every day. We have so much fun ahead of us!!!!
that going back to work consists of hanging out with you every day. We have so much fun ahead of us!!!!

I can't get enough of her chubby thighs!
Such a great month for you all! Have so much fun with Britt in town. 🙂
keep on going to the gym. both of my kids cried for a long time. now, they both are sprinting there to play. the gym is the best thing for a stay at home mom. "free" daycare while you sweat…or while you're sitting on a mat in pure silence while doing the butterfly stretch for way too long. either way, it's a win-win for mom and baby. 🙂
That makes me feel so much better 🙂 the ladies that work in the nursery keep telling me they've never seen a baby this young react that way–it's getting kind of discouraging, but we're just going to keep going 🙂