So I’m pretty sure I thought it was Friday every single day this week. But this is the real deal…it’s finally here! So let’s just jump right in, shall we?
Okay so I’m soooo excited in the nerdiest way right now. Why? Because I’m going to my first blog conference (Go Blog Social) this weekend. Eeeek! I’ll be spending the entire day downtown with my friends Sarah and Jen, talking about blogging…and learning, learning, learning. Sounds like a little slice of heaven if you ask me! And the nerdiest part? Check out these bad boys. If I have some left over, maybe I’ll take them to the park this spring and hand them out to potential mom friends. (I kid, I kid) But really, how cute are they?!
Anyone else going to the event?! I can’t wait to connect and make some new friends!
I didn’t get my act together for a confessions post yesterday, but I do have something to confess. We got a cleaning lady…and she’s amazing. It seems like the only good time I have to deep clean my house is when the kids are asleep…and um, dusting baseboards and scrubbing toilets just happen to be dead last on my “list of things I want to do at naptime”. On top of that, we’re here all day…which means we’re making messes allllll day. And let’s be honest, is there any better feeling than walking into your house and seeing it sparkle…knowing you didn’t have to do a thing?!? A clean house just makes me so happy…even if it only stays this way for 17 seconds 😉
Raise your hand if your family has been sick for three weeks! Oh wait…just us? What the heck? Nash’s poor little sicky face pretty much sums up our feelings:
Over it.
Okay friends, I need some decorating advice. I’m hoping to update our family picture gallery wall soon…but the question is, do I a. just replace some of the pictures in the current frames, b. add new frames and pictures onto the current gallery wall, or c. start a whole new gallery wall to the far right wall?
I’m leaning towards adding new frames to the blank wall, but I’m just not sure if a hallway full of pictures is overkill?
Also, how many times can you say the word “wall” in one paragraph?!?! (Apparently a lot.)
Someone left a quote in the comments of this post that I wrote for the Kansas City Moms Blog. It is so spot on that I had to share…
A good thing to keep in mind…especially when you’re scrolling through Instagram right as you spot your kid projectile vomiting across the room. Not that that’s ever happened to me or anything…
Happy (and hopefully healthy) weekend to you!

Have so much fun at the blog conference this weekend. That will be awesome and I love your business cards. They are so simple, but elegant. So sorry Nash has been sick. Boo! I love th gallery wall. I saw add more frames. That quote is so true and something I have to remind myself when I’m feeling like I don’t do enough.
A blog conference! how fun! I bet your’ll be bff with Jade in no time!
Love your blog! We just had twin boys and have been looking to hire a cleaning lady as well, but don’t even know where to start. Would you be willing to share the information on your cleaning lady (if she’s looking for more business)? I’d be happy to contact you via email to get details.
Great mix of stuff this week! Have so much fun at your blog conference. It sounds like a blast! Sorry you guys have been sick. Your house is gorgeous by the way. Here’s to healthy babies and happy Momma’s!
I am soooooooo excited for tomorrow!!! A day all about blogging (sans kids) sounds phenomenal! Good company, too! AND – duh – JADE!!!!!!! I love that quote! Easy to forget that sometimes. And…your kids have one week to rid themselves of the sickies because then I’m on Spring Break and I foresee a few play dates and afternoon walks together!!!
Love this post! Well except for the vomiting part. We are going through that too! But have SO much fun this weekend, I’m jealous!
Poor Nash. Delta Mae is rounding out a third week of sickness too. I hope it ends soon for both of our babies.
We are on our 4th week of illnesses so feel your pain. It is NO fun!!! Spring we need you here (permanently) NOW 🙂
Have so much fun at the conference! Also, I think you’re the last lady that should be asking for decorating advice. Your house is absolutely stunning! We have a gallery wall in our house and I have a variety of similar frames in similar wood tones, if that helps. Speaking of décor…What color gray are your walls in your kitchen because I love them!
We’ve been sick over here too… boo! & I’ve never been to a blogger conference but I feel like it would be very beneficial!!
Justine @ Charm City Ciemny’s
SO JEALOUS that you’ll be at Go Blog Social! You girls will have so much fun!
To have a cleaning lady is my dream! Much like you, the very last thing I want to do during nap time is clean toilets and dust. Which basically means that stuff never gets done. haha. Maybe one day we can have a cleaning lady? Also, I hope you all start feeling better soon! We’ve been sick for far too long too, and I”m ready for a healthy home again!
We have been on and off sick since October, you are not alone!
So excited for you guys going to your blog conference this weekend! AND I hear that Jade is going to be a speaker there! How cool. Can’t wait to hear all about it!!! I’m going to one in May and would love an inside scoop before I go 🙂
What a terrific quote. Love it!! Have a blast at the conference! Enjoy!!
That last quote is spot on. Loving those cards, they are so pretty I bet the park moms would love getting them just for fun =)
Poor little honey’s face! Hope he’s feeling better soon!
Have fun at the conference! Love your cards!
I wish I had known/ realized that GBS was so soon! I would have LOVED to go! A kansas city blog conference is basically the only one I could reasonably go to. Oh well, maybe next time 🙂 Have a blast!
Have so much fun at your blog conference!! Sorry everyone has been sick, hopefully on the mend soon?!!
I would kill for a cleaner. I had one for a time when I was working and I think when I’m back to work after my maternity leave I’ll get one again. At least to do the deep cleaning once a month because ain’t nobody got time for that 😉
As for your gallery wall/walls! I say do another but maybe mix some bigger photos in there or canvases. You can never have enough photos in my opinion. 🙂
I bet you had such a blast at Go Blog Social! I can’t wait to hear all about it ❤️
Love the business cards! Can’t wait to hear more about the conference. We have a cleaning lady too; she comes every other week and is the best thing ever! And yes, sick kids all around here!