Attention: Mother’s Day has been rescheduled. At least at our house it has 🙂
Last week our family passed around the stomach bug like a game of hot potato…and let’s just say, Chris lost. Poor guy had it way worse than Arden and I did and he was still struggling on Sunday.
Needless to say, I don’t have any pictures or stories to share just yet…but I’m looking forward to celebrating this weekend instead with my two favorite people!
In other news, Arden’s playroom is almost complete! I’m waiting on some photos for the walls to be delivered and then I’ll share some pictures on here. In the meantime, check out how much she loves the mirror in her new room…
And one last thing…since Google Reader is about done-zo, I’ve jumped on the Bloglovin’ train–and I’m lovin’ it 🙂 You can follow me here if you’re using it too:

Glad you and A kicked the bug, NO fun!! Hope the hubs feels better soon so you can have a wonderful Mother's Day celebration! Can't wait to see pics of the playroom!!!
Thanks lady! Hope you had a great Mother's Day with your boys! 🙂
Hope that you guys feel better! Poor guy! And I am SUPER excited to see pics of the playroom! I am hoping to have one once we buy a house!
Thanks Ashley! A playroom is definitely nice to have…I feel like I finally have the rest of my house back now!
Oh you poor thing. Sucks being sick on Mother's Day. Hope your hubby's feeling better soon and can properly spoil you like you deserve!
Thanks girl! I think we're all finally back to normal 🙂 Hope your guys took good care of you on Mother's Day!
Oh your Mother's Day sounded a lot like ours, except it was me and Nora 🙁 It was so not what I expected my first Mother's Day to be like, but it will be one to remember for sure! Hope everyone is on the mend and somehow Hazel doesn't get it 😉
Haha! You're so right Lauren…if a dog could get it, it would be Hazel! She's not showing any symptoms yet thankfully 🙂 Hope you and Nora are feeling better too–you poor thing! I think we can probably both attest to the fact that the only thing worse than a sick child is caring for the sick child when you're sick too. Yuck!
Hi Vanessa! I'm your newest and 100th follower!!! Woohoo!!
Just read your post about BF'ing… I WISHHH I would have read this 6 months ago!! I had trouble breast feeding because of the PAINNN and my little girl had severe jaundice levels. I was told to get her eating A LOT to flush he system out.
I was so affraid I wasn't nourishing her enough and so I went to soley pumping so that I could bottle feed and see how much she was taking in for my piece of mind… After a month of pumping and getting a fever with mastitis, I threw in the towel and now she is om organic formula (once I found out that inorganic formula put GMOs in their formula 🙁 I wish I could go back and do it all again and have better support around me that would have taught me how to nurse. So happy it worked out for you! Your baby girl is beautiful.
All the Best,
The McGuire Family