You guys…can I just say that I’m kind of proud that A. I wrote this post, and B. I got it up less than two weeks after Christmas?!? Little victories, I tell ya! Life is cray-cray right now and I have been the world’s worst blogger…so thanks to any of you that have stuck with me! I’ve got a new pep in my step this new year and I’m hoping to get back to our regularly scheduled programming. Or something like that!
Speaking of the holidays…I have about 1.2 million pictures and stories to share from our Christmas, but I’m going to narrow it down to a few favorites for the sake of time. You’re welcome 😉
1. The kids saw Santa three times (I know…totally overboard) and there were exactly zero tears shed! I’m pretty sure Nash thought he was going to get his football right then and there the first time…but thankfully he settled for a candy cane!!
2. Arden rocked her Christmas programs, both at school and at church. She also rocked this sweet little outfit and the Glamour Shots pose…
3. We made our annual trip to Crown Center and Union Station with my parents–and since Chris had the day off, he was able to join us! It’s the most magical place during the holidays…even with the swarms of people.
4. My favorite thing about the holiday season is most definitely the countless hours we get to spend with both of our families. Not to mention these big kids are turning into pretty good babysitters 😉 I think it was the first Christmas in years that I got to SIT and TALK with adults!!! It was glorious…but I suppose I shouldn’t get used to it considering I’ll probably have a busy crawler by next year. Eeek!
Are these cousins not the cutest thing you’ve ever seen?
5. Santa came through and brought Arden a CD player with “CDs that play music” (her words!) She was one happy girl on Christmas morning!
6. This guy would’ve been more than happy with just the K-State football he got from Santa…but these football guys were probably the biggest hit of all. Apparently you don’t even need to understand the rules of football to want to play this ALL DAY LONG. He bleeds purple, that’s for sure 😉
7. You might be the best wife ever if you get your husband a “Pony Up Daddy Saddle” for Christmas…
8. Just kidding…this might make you the best wife ever. Even if you kind of wanted it to show off your own mad Mario skills 😉
9. Best friends for almost 20 years…wowza, that makes us sound old!
I’m so so thankful for these three–and the little bambinos on the way in January, March and June!
10. My good friend and sorority sister got married on NYE and it was a blast…even pregnant! 😉 You know it’s going to be a good time when they’re handing out selfie sticks as favors…am I right?
I know the holidays aren’t always merry for everyone. Despite the wonderful parts about them for my family, there was and always will be something missing. What I wouldn’t give to rewind to this picture and have him back with us.
For anyone else that grieved or struggled over the holidays–I hope you also found peace and hope in the story of Christmas. I’m just so thankful this isn’t where it ends.
Happy New Year, friends.

What a wonderful Christmas!! I love the cousin Christmas photo. Adorable!! A NTE wedding sounds like a blast. The photo of you and Chris is so cute!!
Looks like a fun time!
You look so fab in that NYE picture! And I’m glad you and Chris were able to continue the selfie stick tradition! P.S. You beat me to blogging about Christmas. That’s still on my to-do list!
The selfie stick at the wedding is amazing!! So super cute.
Oh look! Chris is giving out elephant rides again lolll
Haha I had to giggle about actually sitting and talking with adults at Christmas, it was my first year for that too! But you’re right, you’ll be back to not sitting next year LOL. All the cousins in those matching pj’s are so cute!!