I used to think that Christmases would become less and less exciting as I got older, but that just hasn’t been the case. Christmas 2011 was wonderful for so many reasons…
1. My mom suggested I download Adam Hamilton’s free ebook: The Journey: A Season of Reflections. I learned so much and it truly reminded me of the real “reason for the season”. I can’t believe it’s taken me 26 years to fully appreciate this, but I’m so glad I have. We have so much to be thankful for!
2. When I was little (okay, not even that little) I could never sleep on Christmas Eve. I was so excited about the gifts waiting for me downstairs. Now the best part is seeing the excitement on my nieces and nephews faces as they open their presents. But no matter how awesome the gifts are, lipgloss or chapstick trump everything else 🙂
3. Living far away makes the time spent with family and friends in Kansas even more special.
4. I truly wish I had this one on video. Luke has quite mastered “Chris”…so it gave us all the giggles to hear him say, “Merry Pissmas uncle Piss!”
As usual, I took way too many pictures. I’ll let them do the talking…

Next stop: Great Bend!
Hope everyone had a great Christmas 🙂

Love all the pics, but the one of Hazel staring down the popcorn ball is HILARIOUS!
Three words: Extremely cute kids
Did Hazel get the popcorn ball? Or just a stare down? 🙂
Loooove your frenchie! I have 2 of them!!!