Well hello, Friday!
I’m joining Darci and some other lovely ladies for today’s Five on Friday…
Just when I thought our boot weather was gone…we get hit with a “winter storm”!
And in case you didn’t know, in Houston this means SNOW DAY! I’m from Kansas so I’m allowed to laugh at all the people running to the grocery store to “stock up,” right? 😉

The key to a successful model home tour? A comfy couch and Baby Einstein 🙂

And yes, my friends and I tour model homes for fun…
I wasn’t planning on watching American Idol this season–I was just kind of over it. Well, I forgot to notify my DVR so it taped last week’s premier anyway…and I LOVED it! I think they’ve finally found the perfect chemistry amongst the judges and it looks like they’ve got some real talent this season.
PS: I heart Harry Connick Jr.
And not just because he kind of reminds me of my husband 😉
And not just because he kind of reminds me of my husband 😉

And this is why I have a gym membership.
Planks are even tougher with a 25 pounder on your back!

This is what my dad likes to call the “sorority pose”…
(please ignore the gross lady on the left)

This week I started the Wife After God 30-day Devotional. I’m 3 days in and already loving it…not to mention learning so much.
Many thanks to Elise for the recommendation!!!

Thanks for stopping by! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Love her smile!!!! And that plank, impressive Vanessa!!! 🙂
Houston weather {mostly the news media} cracks me up!!!! Oh well, I guess Ella and I both get a "snow day" today!! 🙂 Love Arden's little pony tail! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!
I'm loving American Idol this season too! I refused to watch it last season – so happy they stepped up their game. Also I tour model homes for fun too 🙂
The Sorority Pose. HA! And I actually turned on AI by accident the other night and found myself watching for a while. I haven't watched in years and was a bit sad that they didn't show many of the bad people, but the judges were fun!
If I lived more in a city area (I live in the boonies), then I would totally be the one to tour open houses and model homes too! I will have to check out that book.
Your going to have abs of steel if you plank with that 25lb weight on you 🙂 but she's so funny… And that ponytail kills me!
I die everytime the weather people freak out about anything other than 75 and sunny. It was "brutally cold" one morning. It was 40 degrees. No joke.
The devotional looks/sounds like something I need to look into. Thanks for suggesting!
She is the absolute cutest! Those pictures of you two are to die for! Hope ya'll have a great weekend!
I tour model homes. LOVE. And LAUGH OUT LOUD. And, yes, I love HCJ also! Love him in Hope Floats! Have a good weekend!
Ahhh! HEY GIRL HEY! 😉 LOVE that you've started Wife After God! And that you're loving it (of course!)…totally has softened my control-freak heart reading it! xx
SO excited to get my book in! My little crawls all over me, too while I workout.
I just think you and Arden are the cutest.
Avery and Arden would definitely be BFF's! I may have to bring her up when I (eventually) come meet Claire! She does the same with planks! I just started She Reads Truth and I am loving it, I'll have to check out wife after God!
I love touring model homes! It's too bad we rarely have any here. There is pretty much no new land here to be built on unless something big is torn down. I used to go all the time with my mom when we were little!
I keep cracking up about everyone's "snow day pictures" hahaha I agree, it's about time they found three judges that are actually good! I've been so disappointed with their selection of judges the last few seasons.
I love touring model homes, too!
I had stopped watching American Idol a few years ago but I've watched all of the auditions so far this year and am loving the judges! I'm looking forward to this season!
I just found your blog and am always excited to find other Christian bloggers from Kansas! Look forward to keeping up with you! 🙂 ~ Adrienne @ Midwestern Belle
Funny thing you mention model homes…when I was younger my mom would load me up in the car and that's what we would do for fun on some Saturday afternoons. I remember crying my eyes out one time when I realized that we weren't going to buy the one that just had a perfect room for me to keep all my Barbies in!
Hi from the link up 🙂 Your lit'l girl is a doll!! I haven't watched any episodes of American Idol this season but saw a clip…I just adore Harry Connick Jr.'s sweetness 🙂 Have a fab week! XO.
I'm reading that book too!!!! and I'm from Houston! 🙂
I will definitely have to check that devotion out. I've been looking for one that Robbie and I can do together but haven't found anything that jumps out to me!
Ummm that sorority pose is the CUTEST!
First off, I love model homes! They're the best source for decorating ideas haha Secondly, that devotional is amazing! I'm on day 12 and it's all I can do not to finish the whole thing in one sitting!