No, this isn’t a tribute to Heather’s sweet blog…although it is a-mazing and makes me laugh so hard I cry almost every time. This is actually about how big of a creep I am. Tonight I got my haircut at a place on the Southern Illinois University (of Edwardsville) campus…smack dab in the middle of the student union. When I left my house I grabbed my Bermuda Blue Vera Bradley tote on the way out the door and threw on my north face fleece. So when I walked into the Morris University Center I couldn’t believe my eyes…tons of college kids with their similar fleeces and, what-do-you-know, Vera Bradley bags…talk about a kawinkydink!! Okay, truth is I planned it all. I am an enormous creep and I just wanted to walk through the building and have them all think I was one of them. I don’t want to toot my own horn but I think project Look Like a 21-year-old was a SUCCESS!! Let’s hope they thought so too…

Ha! Why didn't you go to a grown-up hair salon?
Tears are streaming down my face right now. And thank you for teaching me how to spell kawinkydink.
Did you also have your bluetooth on?