Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Groupon, however, all opinions are my own. #ad #Groupon
I remember the first time I was introduced to really nice towels. I mean, is that weird? It’s not like I grew up with rags or anything, but when I stayed at a super ritzy hotel for my first job, I almost fell in love with the oversized goodness that were the bath towels. I immediately googled “hotel collection bath towels”…problem was I was fresh out of college (read: poor)–and they weren’t exactly in my budget.
So why in the world am I telling you this? Well Groupon recently reached out to me and asked if I’d be interested in sharing more about Groupon Goods–especially their towels. Did they know that I have a fancy towel obsession? Probably not…but it worked out well!
Have you heard of Groupon Goods? As I started browsing, I was amazed at the selection. You can find amazing deals on everything from clothing to electronics…even food. Yes, food! I dare you not to find something you love in one scroll!
Okay, so back to amazing towels. 22-year-old me is so jealous that these are only $39.99 (originally $170)…
Now I just need a big comfy bath robe to go with it, right? Oh wait, they have those too!
And not related to towels in the least bit…I think I know what Santa is bringing Nash this Christmas. How awesome is this?!?

Nice fluffy towels are the best! That’s a great deal for them. Umm that motorcycle is amazing. Nash would freak to find that on Christmas morning.
I’m not sure how Groupon knows us so well, but the link they assigned me was for Wii-related goods…which is Brantley’s current favorite thing!! Nicely done, Groupon, nicely done. P.S. That motorcycle is awesome. Sure beats the mop slippers I added to my list. 😉