Easter was a Christmas deja vu. 6 glorious days in KC…full of friends, family and home. It was such a great week, and much like Christmas, I feel like it would be best summarized in pictures. Pictures of my nieces and nephews, that is. Yes, I am in love with them 🙂
First, the things I don’t have pictures of…
- Lunches and dinners with friends were a blast. I’m lucky they allow me to “schedule” them. That’s one annoying part about living somewhere else and only having limited time at home…I hate feeling like I’m setting up business meetings with my best friends!
- Shopping at Frankie & Jules with my sister. If you would’ve told us 10 years ago that we’d actually choose to go shopping together (and really enjoy it), I’m sure we both would’ve laughed out loud. Oh how time changes things!
- A day outing to Nell Hills with my mom and Esther. I looooooove this place!
I’ll start the montage with my favorite pic from the week. Hola Senor…
Speaking of growing up. Maren isn’t a toddler anymore…she’s a big kid who makes goofy big kid faces. Where has the time gone?!
Slumber Party!
Will = sweetness.
On Saturday, my mom and aunt hosted a shower for my cousin Jackie. We’ll have even more kiddos at the lake this summer!
My mom and I had a good time preparing for the shower during the week. Trips to Costco and the Party City–with maybe a couple Sonic happy hour runs here and there 🙂
After the shower, the Gower guys and Melissa’s sister’s family joined us for an Easter Egg hunt and a little family get-together.
Luke would shake the eggs and if he didn’t hear money, he’d throw them back. Pretty smart for an 18-month-old! 🙂
We went to mass on Easter morning and saw our old friend, Father K. All of my bridesmaids will definitely remember him 🙂
Then it was back to the house to see what the Easter Bunny had brought the kids.
Tangled was a hit! Definitely worth the search.
If you’re wondering where Chris was during all of this…he was usually playing his part as the jungle gym. He’s such a good uncle 🙂
Norah looks like she’s up to something!
I’m so thankful for this quality time with my family and friends. Hope everyone had a great Easter 🙂

sooo cute! i think tangled was the big hit this easter, my niece got it and i've seen it on a couple other blogs too.
I can't believe how much all of your nieces and nephews have grown! Sooo cute.