After Nash was born and people started asking, “Do you guys want more kids?” (because we’re human and that’s what we do!), I always said yes, God willing…and that maybe we’d even be surprised by the gender since we already had one of each.
Then I got pregnant and realized there’s no way I could ever do that. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE it when other people don’t find out, and I think it must be the most incredible surprise ever…but I just can’t. I’m a planner. And if I can’t plan, I stress. And I don’t want to stress 😉
Arden and Nash currently share a Jack & Jill bath–and we knew we either wanted two girls in those rooms, or two boys. So that obviously meant that one of the two would have to move out of their current rooms to the guest room. Again, it’s something that could’ve waited until after the baby was born…but I could just picture myself a post-partum hormonal mess, trying to pick out paint colors and making endless to-do lists for Chris and myself. You guys, it just would NOT be pretty!
So when my doctor offered the genetic blood test and we found out that our insurance covered it–I couldn’t give them my blood fast enough. They estimated that it would take about 5 days to get the results…but on day 5 we heard nothing. Then there was a weekend. Then day 6 we heard nothing. The next day happened to be Arden’s birthday. My phone was on silent for some reason, but I looked down as I was making breakfast to see my doctor’s name flashing. I scooped up the phone and ran to the pantry so PJ Masks didn’t drown out the nurse on the other end of the line. Now Arden has been very vocal from the day she found out I was pregnant that this baby was going to be a GIRL. She said she really wanted to have a brother and a sister…and was constantly asking me what we would name her. So while I was happy to be getting the call that morning, I was also a little fearful that the news might make or break Arden’s big day 😉
Before I had time to overthink things, the nurse said…”Your kids are going to have a little sister!”
We had made plans to go to a park nearby that morning (the birthday girl’s request)…but I asked her if she wouldn’t mind going to one further away–and stopping at Pink Antlers on the way. She agreed and we hopped in the car. I sent Chris a text and asked him if he wanted to meet us for lunch…you know, for Arden’s birthday. I told him we were actually going to a park near his work, so he could just meet us there and we’d go to lunch together. He bought it all 😉
The last time I was at Pink Antlers I made a mental note of the cute gender reveal things they had in the store…because, duh. When we got there they showed us these adorable push-pops that would spray blue or pink confetti. I mouthed “it’s a girl” to Morgan, one of the owners, and she took care of it…and gave the kids some balloons for the road. We were off, with confetti popper in hand!
Next we hit the park and played while we waited for Chris. When he got there I told him I had to run to the car for something…and he was instantly suspicious. He said “You know!!” Apparently I have a terrible poker face.
I’ll let the video tell the rest of the story…
Oh Nash…he’s thrilled! 😉 And Arden told me later that day that “her birthday wish came true”. That’s the point that I melted into a big puddle.
I’m so thankful to be carrying this baby that I really didn’t care what the gender outcome was. I could see our family complete with a boy or a girl…but now that I know, there’s just something about Arden and Nash having a baby sister that just makes my heart swell. Oh and have you seen the baby girl stuff these days?! That’s definitely a bonus 😉
Nursery planning is underway (I’ll be sure to share some inspiration soon!) and I’m currently pinning ALL the vintage floral things. I might have a problem.

SOOO happy for you! I may be biased, but sisters are the best!
Yay!!! I love Chris’ response. So sweet!!! 🙂 so happy for you friend!!
Chris’ smile may or may not have made me tear up! Those boys and their baby girls ?
So so happy for you! What an awesome birthday surprise for Arden and I love how she reacted to the confetti, it’s EXACTLY what Ashlynn would do.. “but why is there so much pink?” as if the baby itself was going to come out of the popper or that lots of confetti means multiple babies, their little brains crack me up
congratulations! I love that Arden will have a sister.
Whoop whoop a little girlfriend for Baby R! And all I could think when I read the part about being a postpartum hormonal mess was throwing shoes in the middle of the night!! I’m glad you found out the gender so that there’s none of that, if you can help it! 😉
Just so you know, I keep trying to guess Baby R’s name… 😉
That video is adorable!!!! The timing of it all was meant to be, perfect Birthday present for big sis Arden!
This is so cute!
We had a surprise with both our girls but have always said that with #3 we will find out… So exciting! x
Aw, I didn’t realize you found out on her Birthday. So sweet. Love how you told them too. Such a sweet surprise. I honestly think sisterhood is so special. My sister is my best friend. I’ts such a special bond.
Haha! Love everyone’s responses! We actually did the confetti popper to tell everyone the gender too…and when Graham did it he goes “it’s purple”!!! Not the pink=girl reaction we were going for either!
SO CUTE! I was just in Pink Antlers over the weekend and saw their fun gender reveal stuff! So excited for all of you!
I love love love this!!! And I can NOT wait to see her nursery and OBVIOUSLY I can’t wait to hear her name!!!!
Love this! I don’t have a sister but I can tell you that WATCHING sisters together is amazing. And Nash will love BOTH of his sisters! 🙂
So much fun and an adorable way to tell your husband! 🙂 Congrats!!
That is video is too cute! So excited for baby girl!!
oh mercy – i loooooved that little video. she seems so much like kaye – questioning and curious but eventually figured it out. 🙂 congrats!!!!
Arden and her serious face as she was working out what all the pink confetti meant, priceless! I know the nursery will be fabulous, so excited to see it all unfold 🙂
Yay, congratulations! That’s so awesome that she got her wish, a baby sister. Floral vintage is so cute. How far along do you have to be to get the blood test done?
I like the idea of not finding out the gender, but could never do it! Like you, I am a total planner and just have to know. I’m also impatient. Ha. That confetti popper is the cutest thing! The video is adorable. Congrats on your sweet baby girl!!
This is the cutest! And Arden’s response is the best!!
And I’m totally with you. There is no way I’d be able to wait to find out the gender!
Congrats, more cute dresses and bows to be had ha!! I have to laugh though when people say they don’t find out the gender because they are planners. I’m a planner too, but didn’t find out for either baby. I just planned with neutral items. I think finding out or not is totally a personal preference and it’s fun both ways, but I don’t see what planning has to do with it.
Awww…love love love! And how special that A’s birthday wish came true! So very sweet!