Height: 22.5 inches
Weight: 9 pounds 8 ounces
Head: 14.75 inches
Dear Nash,
Welcome to your first “monthly update”…and it’s only 5 days late! 🙂 You should know that I will inevitably start each monthly post in complete shock that you are as old as you are. So here we go…
A month old already?!? It feels like you’ve been around forever…but at the same time, meeting you feels like it happened yesterday.
We’ve spent the last month getting to know each other, and for me, figuring out how to balance life with 2 little ones. I’ll try not to make this post too much about your big sis (after all, she has her own updates!) but when I think about your first month, Arden’s name is written all over it. The second question we get from everyone (after “how is he sleeping?”) is “how is the big sister adjusting?” When I was pregnant I was convinced it was going to be a smooth transition–Arden would love you immediately and we would all be instantly comfortable with our new norm. Uh yeah…not so much. It’s been a month full of tantrums, timeouts, night-wakings, and public meltdowns. Your poor big sister’s world has been rocked and I think it’s just going to take time (and a lot of mommy-Arden dates) to get through it. The good news though? She loves you. She is always giving us the latest Nash news:
He’s awake!
He’s sleeping!
He’s squeaking!
He’s sad!
Welcome to your first “monthly update”…and it’s only 5 days late! 🙂 You should know that I will inevitably start each monthly post in complete shock that you are as old as you are. So here we go…
A month old already?!? It feels like you’ve been around forever…but at the same time, meeting you feels like it happened yesterday.
We’ve spent the last month getting to know each other, and for me, figuring out how to balance life with 2 little ones. I’ll try not to make this post too much about your big sis (after all, she has her own updates!) but when I think about your first month, Arden’s name is written all over it. The second question we get from everyone (after “how is he sleeping?”) is “how is the big sister adjusting?” When I was pregnant I was convinced it was going to be a smooth transition–Arden would love you immediately and we would all be instantly comfortable with our new norm. Uh yeah…not so much. It’s been a month full of tantrums, timeouts, night-wakings, and public meltdowns. Your poor big sister’s world has been rocked and I think it’s just going to take time (and a lot of mommy-Arden dates) to get through it. The good news though? She loves you. She is always giving us the latest Nash news:
He’s awake!
He’s sleeping!
He’s squeaking!
He’s sad!
And lately she’s been saying sweet things like:
I wuv you, Nash.
Look at me, Nash…I’m your big sister! (I’m pretty sure she got this from the book I’m a Big Sister, haha)
Randomly throughout the day she will decide that she wants to hold you…and just the last few days you’ve really seemed to notice her. You stare right back at her, and last week you gave her the biggest smile! I just know you’re going to LOVE her…and eventually she’ll stop acting like a mini terrorist.
Here are some notes about month one:
You’re a great eater. A little on the lazy side, but you’re still quicker than your sister! It usually takes about 40 minutes to feed you, and if we’re out and about, you eat every 3 hours or so. If we’re just hanging out at home though, you prefer to eat more often and for shorter periods of time.
We’ve only seen your sweet smile a handful of times…so I can’t wait for more of that in month two!
Like a little old man, your hairline is slowly receding. It’s strange though because I never see that hair fall out?! But your dark locks are still hanging on in the back, so it’ll be interesting to see what happens!
Your ‘awake and happy’ period seems to be getting longer each day. But I still think you’d rather be sleeping or eating…can’t say I blame you! I also think you’d be a lot happier awake if you’d take a pacifier, but what do I know, I’m just your mom!
Nighttime sleep is, well, interesting. I think I was so spoiled by your sister sleeping through the night right off the bat, that it seems like I’m not sleeping at all right now. You prefer sleeping on our chests over sleeping in the bassinet, rock ‘n play, or anything else…which means we’re getting a little shut-eye, but not the good kind. I’m just trying to savor the cuddles and embrace sleeping sitting up…I know neither will last forever!
Your skin is still pretty dark. Are you my child?!? Kidding 😉
You met two new baby friends this month. Your sweet second cousin, Nolan, and you future best bud, Ryder. I can’t wait to see you grow up with these two!
Unlike Arden, you love to snooze in the car. Bless you child.
Your wardrobe is simple these days: fleece pajamas. I mean, who wants to mess with layers and socks when it’s freezing outside?!
You’re a pretty happy baby for as much gas as you have. I’m getting ready to try out some essential oils on your tummy to see if I can relieve some of that yucky gas pain.
A few things you love: being swaddled, watching Arden, warm baths, and sleeping in the swing, car seat, or wrap.
A few things you definitely do not love: initially being put in the car seat, cold wipes, cold hands touching you, hazel whiskers in your face.
It’s been a month full of transitioning and adapting…but a fun one too. I still have to pinch myself some days when I realize that I’ve been trusted with not one, but TWO, little miracles. You are such a blessing to your dad and me….I already can’t imagine life without you in it.
Love you, little man…

Your month sounds a lot like ours! Let me know what and if the essential oils work! Trip has the same tummy/gas issue. Poor little guys!
I just LOVE this. and mini terrorist made me LOL, I can only imagine how Rae's going to handle it.
I am glad to know our Mary Katherine is not the only one who prefers sleeping on our chests over anything else. She is not quite 2 weeks old, so I am still adjusting to trying to sleep sitting up. Definitely not the good kind of sleep, but I do love our cuddles. Let me know how the essential oils do. Your son is just precious! I am amazed everyday how fast time flies!
Aw happy first month little Nash!
Luke and Nash have so many similarities! Avery was such a good sleeper, 8 hours by one month and on a good night I'll get 6 (at two months) from Luke. Same goes for car rides. I dreaded them with Avery and look forward to a little shut eye from Luke! Can't wait to see how he grows into month TWO!
Happy one month Nash!
Happy 1 Month Nash! I hope month two gets easier for you guys, I think Estella will be the same way as Arden…let me know if you have an big sister tips that have helped with the transition:)
Such a cute little guy!
Love this! Can't believe it's already been a month! Time is just flying by. Mac is still adjusting to the fact that he has a baby sister. It's very hard for toddlers to understand that they have to share and be patient. I'm sure he'll better by…I don't know, next July? 🙂 A one year adjustment time period is normal, right? Nash is adorable! Sleep will improve. Those first few weeks are killer – hang in there, mama!
I had to laugh at Nash's weight – that's *about* what Marcus weighed at birth. I wish I was kidding.
How adorable is Arden with her big brother? Oh my, heart melted!
Happy 1st Month sweet Nash!
He is so cute Vanessa!! Parker had some serious gas issues around the same age and infant probiotics saved the day. We used Udo's Infant Probiotics from Whole Foods (it's a powder in the fridge section). We just mixed with breastmilk in a bottle, or mixed with a little water in a syringe. The gas and tummy pain was better within a week or two and we kept giving them to her until she was 6 or 7 months old. I hope the little guy gets some relief soon!
Happy one month sweet Nash!! He's such a cutie!! Excited that he and Maddie got to meet and can grow up together like Charlie and Arden! And I hope the oils work! Probiotics seem to be working much better for Maddie!! Here's to hoping for longer stretches of sleep!!