I feel like you’ve changed so much over the past week! You’ve become quite the little chatterbox and I love it. I think I could sit there and coo back and forth with you for hours and video tape it…oh wait, that’s exactly what I do 🙂
You’ve started to reach for things–or should I say, swat at things. I’ve got a feeling that zebra on your changing table is going to take a beating before too long. You’re also becoming quite the tummy time pro. Or maybe it’s just that you like my choice of television shows?
We were on the floor playing one day and I got up to let Hazel out, but when I came back you were on your side…watching Hart of Dixie. Ever so intensely I might add. I can’t blame you–I love the heck out of that corny show too.

Here you are doing tummy time. I wish I would’ve take a picture of the front of your adorable French Bulldog onesie from Brittany–but the back is pretty darn cute too! And don’t worry, we changed your diaper shorty after this–notice the bright blue line showing through. I promise we’re not awful parents!
Saturday was another watch party at Coaches–and another K-State victory! You wore one of the new glitter onesies that your dad brought you back from Manhattan. He’s got good taste…
I swear you love the bar atmosphere because you’re always a perfect angel when we’re there. Well, almost perfect. There was the 4th quarter that you and I enjoyed from the bathroom, basically bathing you with wipes and doing a complete wardrobe change after your big blowout. Good times 🙂

The win must’ve worn you two out…
On Sunday you made it through another church service. I think I took 30 pictures of you sleeping on the way home…you just looked too adorable.
Love those chubby cheeks and pouty lips.
You were such a champ on Tuesday at your 2-month shots. You actually fell asleep on the table as we waited for the nurse to come back in and administer them. Cutest thing ever, but I couldn’t help feeling bad that you were about to be woken up for the worst pain of your life 🙁 You silently screamed until your face was almost purple–but after you took a breath, we popped in your pacifier and you calmed down pretty quickly. Not fun, but we all survived 🙂

Like I said above, I try to videotape you jaberring all day long. The only problem is that you’re pretty intrigued by my phone–so as soon as it comes out you’re focused on that little box instead of performing! You don’t really talk all that much in this video, but you just look so cute…and if you watch the end you’ll see just how weird your dad is when he doesn’t know he’s being video taped 🙂
Well, happy girl…here’s to another great week!
Love you so much,

"I'm video taping."
And done.