As soon as we found out that we were having a little girl, everybody had the same question: how will you decorate the nursery? Well I’m glad you asked 🙂
Remember I told you that things had been pretty uneventful around here lately. Therefore, I had lots of time in the evenings to scour the internet and brainstorm my perfect rooms. I say my perfect rooms because my husband likes everything I do when it comes to decorating. Right Chris?!
So first of all, boy or girl I knew that I wanted this crib and dresser.
I. am. in. love.

Then I came across this crib sheet on So perfectly girly and shabby chic…it just makes me smile to look at it.

Paint was a no-brainer. It seems like I’ve been waiting my whole life to use the most beautiful paint color ever (aka Restoration Hardware’s Silver Sage) and now I finally have the perfect opportunity. So with those three things nailed down, I started pinning and making a mood board. Here’s what I ended up with…

Gray, pink (or a soft coral) and robin’s egg blue. Kinda rustic, kinda girly…hopefully?
Who knows, I may end up going in a totally different direction but for now I feel pretty good about the start! And yes, that’s a barn door. Someway, somehow I really want an old whitewashed barn door incorporated into the room. I got this idea from my very first pin on Pinterest and just can’t seem to shake it.
Now the question is can I stick to the budget? 🙂 Lucky for us, my parents started a cool tradition of buying the crib for each of us kids–so that helps a ton. (Thanks Gigi and Papa!) And for other pieces I’m hoping we’ll be able to find a lot at Ikea, thrift stores, etc.
So the furniture and fabric swatches have been ordered…we’re getting ready to start a little wall paneling project…looking for closet solutions at Ikea this weekend…I think we’re on our way!
I’m not sure I’ll want to leave this room once it’s done 🙂

It's going to be beautiful!!
LOOVE it… so this is my same palet for if I am have a baby girl in my future. So obvs, I am a fan.
love it, of course!!!
This color palette is SO you! It's going to be fabulous!
loooooove everything especially the furniture! so cool! let the decorating begin! 🙂