Just as I was getting used to the idea of being 30, another birthday snuck up on me. They seem to do that once you get past 21…am I right?! Although I can’t say I’m particularly thrilled about turning 31 today, it sure was a good excuse to spend time with friends and family over the weekend. I even got to sleep in, which was a gift in itself!
Here’s a look into our fun little weekend…
1. This guy. We found out he’s in the 97th percentile for weight (28 lbs…yikes!) and the 91st for height. We also found out that he’s the cutest baby of all time….confirmed by this picture 😉
2. There’s only so much you can do in those little rooms while you wait to see the doctor. Group selfies entertained the kids for at least 30 seconds!
3. Friday was the most gorgeous day. 60’s and sunny…in January! We had friends over for a playdate and then took the truck out for a spin later that afternoon. Everyone was loving life…even Hazel.
4. When your 28 lb toddler insists on riding in a doll wagon…and your sweet neighbor boy appeases him. It was even more hilarious in person.
5. Lately Arden has been really interested in typing her name and other words on any keyboard she can get her hands on. I decided to charge up an old iPhone for her to play with and she seriously thought it was the coolest thing on earth. She made note after note (emojis included), FaceTimed her grandparents (several times), and walked all over the house taking pictures of the most interesting things (like remotes, toilets, and the back of her brother’s head). But my favorite picture of all? Her first selfie. I’m not sure who taught her about duck lips, but it’s pretty cute if you ask me.
6. Something BIG happened on Saturday…I got a new laptop! And it’s glorious. I had debated on switching back to a PC but in the end decided that the MacBook Pro was worth the investment. Especially considering my last one served me well for about 8 years.
7. Oh just another Arden selfie…this time using the mirror.
8. BFF/soul sisters/twins/cousins 🙂 I can’t tell you how many times people have told me that Arden is such a “mini Maren”. I guess I can see why!
9. After Maren’s basketball game on Saturday we went to a Japanese steakhouse with my family. Although the “volcano explosion” was a little scary for Arden, she quickly warmed up to the idea and was cackling at the cook’s jokes and tricks with the rest of the gang. She didn’t catch any shrimp in her mouth, but her cousin Will did!
Sunday morning was spent at church and then out for lunch and pedicures with some sweet friends. Girl time and some pampering was the perfect way to end the weekend! That and opening my present from Chris and the kids. Yay! Now come on, Kansas…I’m going to need some more snow!
Here’s to make 21 31 a great year!

Happy Birthday!! Hope you have a wonderful time celebrating!!
Happy 31 girlie! You make 30 look amazing! I turn 30 in May, but honestly I like getting older (so far) haha. Nash cracks me up in those photos. Don’t worry, Ben was 28 pounds at his 15 month appointment hehe. They are just solid boys, built for adventure!
Happy happy birthday!! I hope you have a great one. Sounds like you already have been. Love the selfie and Arden enjoying her “new” iPhone. 🙂 yay for family and a fun weekend!
Happy birthday! Hope you have a great day celebrating!
Awesome weekend!!! Happy Birthday!!!!
Cheers to your best year yet!
Happy Birthday and cheers to the cutest kiddos!! Cam is obsessed with making “lists” in the note section of his iPad and takes pictures of EVERYTHING. This is the best age! And Nash…big boy!!! I love him in that doll wagon!! PS You have totally made me want to buy Cam and Louise a 2-person car this summer….so fun!!
Yay!! I got my Macbook Pro for my 30th last year – BEST present ever!!
Happy birthday lovely lady x
HAPPY DAY, FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love keeping up with y’all here! And Arden’s love for taking photos is precious —- J does the same and I die when I go back and see what all he’s photographed! The best!!
Hope you’ve had a truly wonderful day and are celebrated BIG!!
Happy Happy Happy Birthday! Cheers to this being your best year yet!
Happy, happy birthday!!! I LOVE that Arden has a camera to take pictures and her first selfie. SO stinkin cute. Isn’t it funny what kids choose to take pictures of too? I mean, toilets, not my first choice, but something attracts them to them and I find it so interesting what the deem “photo worthy”. So cute. Hope you are having the best day!
Your kiddos are both so adorable! I have a baby in the upper 90th percentiles too… 9 months and 24 lbs! At least we’ll have strong arms… 😉
Arden’s first selfie is the best. Happy birthday to you, love! You can never of wrong with Mac.. mine is nearing the end of it’s life and I’m already saving my pennies for a new one ha! Love these little roundup’s you do!
A fabulous birthday weekend!!
Arden nailed the duck lips! And Nash IS the cutest little man around.
Your new boots – swooning!!
Happiest of Birthdays!