Height: I have no idea?!
Weight: 28(ish) lbs
Clothing size: 2T
Shoe size: 6
Weight: 28(ish) lbs
Clothing size: 2T
Shoe size: 6
Number of teeth: 16
2 months until you’re TWO…say what?!? I’ve started telling everyone that you’ll “be 2 in August” because I can imagine that “22 months” sounds kind of silly to anyone that doesn’t have a toddler. I just can’t believe that you’ve been a part of our lives for almost 2 years…but at the same time, it’s hard to remember life before you.
I’m not going to lie, last month was…what’s the word? Trying. We had some rough patches (aka tantrums over pretty much everything), but things have gotten so much better this month. I think it was a combination of the move/transition and also just the fact that, well, you’re a toddler! I realize there are going to be trying days, weeks, maybe months…but boy am I glad that we’re in a happy place right now 🙂 {Please don’t let me jinx myself by publicly declaring that! Ha!}
I can’t even believe how much you’ve grown up in just the past few weeks! Maybe it’s from spending so much time with your big cousins lately, but you have become a total KID and not much of a baby anymore (tear!). Here are some of the hilarious things you’ve been saying and doing lately.
(Bear with me…it’s kind of a long list!)
Yesterday, you pulled a romper out of my hands at Target and said “That’s cute!” You also said it the first time you looked in the mirror with pigtails in. Man, you looooove your “piggy-tails” 🙂
You know just about every word on the Frozen soundtrack. I can’t get enough of hearing you sing along in the car. My favorite line is probably: “can I say something even crazier? YES!” The cutest!
You’re really big on the concerned look right now. It doesn’t take much to have you saying “oh no!” with your hands on your cheeks!
Your dad usually lays down on the floor and listens (or reads gopowercat.com–yep, I’m calling him out) while we read stories before bed…but one night he wasn’t quick enough and you said “lay down, Chris!” That one gave us a pretty good chuckle 🙂
I’m getting the feeling that you’re going to be musical like your dad. You love Kindermusik–in fact, it’s about the only kind of class that you’ll sit still for. You’re really into the instruments and it’s fun to see you learning the songs after just a few weeks. However, we learned that if Gigi comes along to watch, you make me out to look like a liar! You were a wild woman that day, running around and not paying attention at all. Show off much?!
Speaking of listening…when I ask you to do something and you do it, you’ve started saying “Arden listeming” Listeming…I love it!
If I point my phone towards you, you automatically say “cheeeeese!” It’s true, I’m the paparazzi.
Reflections are all new to you. In a spoon, in the TV, in the side of the car…you usually say “Arden in there!” or “mommy in there!”
Imitation has been really big this month and it’s adorable. Just yesterday at lunch I put a packet of lemonade in my water bottle and you begged for the wrapper. I gave it to you and you pretended to pour it over your water bottle–then you shook it up and took a big drink. You are always watching and observing…which is really kind of scary! 😉
I’m not sure what triggered it, but one day last week you just decided to start saying a few words the correct way. Argo is now Arden…agga is now water…Hah-wah is now Hazel. I think you’ve known how to say them all along, you just had to make the decision to do it 🙂
You’ve started showing an interest in soda. You beg for a sip of your dad’s Dr. Pepper…gag…and then say “I like it!” Haha…do you now?
Apparently you’ve just been studying the last 21 months, because suddenly you’re showing off all the words you know. You now sing along to the songs I sing at night and you know every.single.word to the books in your collection. You were reading “I love you Stinky Face” one day and I heard you say “I love you, little gweenie…bon appetite!” It blows my mind how much you’ve got stored away in that little noggin already!
Last story, I promise! One morning we suspected you had a dirty diaper, but you were having too much fun playing to take a break–so when your dad checked to see you said “nuffin’ in der!!!” You little stinker…literally 😉
SEE–I told you it’s been a fun month!
While you may be transforming into a big kid by the minute, I’m thankful that you still let me hold you like a baby every night before bed. It’s the best part of my day.
Thanks for a great month, sweet girl! Love you so very much!!!

I love your stories! My girl just turned 22 months also and I can totally relate to the "2 in August" thing. I wrote about it too! But it makes me sad because she can't be that close to 2 yet?!
She is such a doll!! I love it! What a joy!
Marcus automatically says "cheeeeese" if he sees the iPhone or "good camera" out, too, even if no pictures we planned on being taken. Apparently I have those things in his face often. 🙂
We've also had a few soda attempts, and each time it's hilarious – the carbonation clearly isn't something that's enjoyed (and I'm very much ok with that).
Happy 22 Months sweet Arden!!
I'm officially requesting a video of her singing Frozen songs. I'm pretty sure it would melt my insides. 🙂
Oh! She is the absolute cutest!! I love all of the things little toddlers say and do…it's just the best and always so surprising what they know!
She's just too beautiful.
Toddler-isims are THE best!! It's so amazing to watch them grow!
Seriously? This post is the sweetest thing ever. Melts my heart. She is such a smartie pants! Love all the expressions. Love love love.
Love everything about this post. How are our baby girls going to be 2 in August. And then big sisters two months after that?!? I couldn't agree more about having a trying month last month but thankfully ours has been so much better this month as well. Arden is such a smart and beautiful little girl!
Your daughter is way too cute! Your little girl is about to be two and I'm over here thinking baby is growing too fast and she is not even one yet!