And I don’t mean sick in the skater slang kind of way. I mean–ill, yuck, blech. Womp, womp. But the good news is that there were still a few highlights. And the best news? Everyone is healthy now and ready to take on a new week!
1. I must say, the weekend started off pretty darn good. We took the kids out to my parents’ house for a fun cousin slumber party and then made our way downtown for the Blake Shelton concert. It had been a long week and it felt so good to get ready, put on some lipstick, and not wipe anyone’s nose for a few hours. Plus I got to hang out with this handsome guy!
2. Truth is, Blake is not one of my favorite country artists…but I still ended up loving the concert. He has so many songs and was really fun to watch. Plus the “Gwen is here somewhere” rumors made things pretty entertaining too!
3. Saturday morning I got a text from my mom at 7am saying that Arden had been up most of the night throwing up. Poor baby and poor Gigi! I brushed my teeth and hit the road to pick up our little sicky. I’ve spent very few nights away from her and hated not being there for her when she was getting sick…but so thankful that Gigi took great care of her. My mom is the most caring, loving, and nurturing person ever…and we love her so much! Needless to say, we spent a lot of time lounging like this Saturday morning while our poor little sicky recovered.
4. Saturday was the most beautiful day with temps in the upper 60’s day (in February!!)…so after awhile we moved the lounging out to the garage to get some fresh air. One thing I know: today marks day 1 of “tablet detox”. We’ve let the kids watch the iPad more than usual since they’ve been sick and they’re starting to turn into technology monsters. At one point Arden told me, quite dramatically, “I don’t LIKE to play outside!! I only like to watch the iPad!!!” Um, yeah…peace out iPad. See you after the kids go to bed.
5. We were able to coax the kids out of the garage at some point…and as usual, Nash went straight for something of Arden’s. If it’s pink–he wants it!
6. Arden said she felt up for a ride in the truck, so we headed out for a walk in the gorgeous weather. Dollar spot sunglasses for the win!
7. Sometimes you just can’t make it to your bed. Easiest diaper change I’ve done in awhile.
8. It probably won’t happen for awhile still, but Chris and I have been brainstorming ideas for finishing our basement lately. He bought some home design software this weekend and has been glued to the computer for hours every night. I’ve basically been hovering over his shoulder saying, “can you add some shiplap there?” 😉 I can’t wait to get started on it…one of these days!
9. And this, my friends, is how I ended our crazy, exciting weekend. Shaving the chairs in our living room. Seriously though…have you tried it? It’s oddly satisfying.
I hope you all had a great (and much healthier) weekend!
Let’s do this, Monday!

So sorry for sick Arden. Poor sweet girl. I’m glad she’s feeling better. The concert sounds fun! Blake isn’t my favorite either, but I’m sure he’s entertaining. Have a great week!
oh no sick on a sleepover. not so fun. I’m glad everybody is healthy though yay! Best of luck with the tablet detox!
Poor lil’ Arden…so glad she’s feeling better now! I noticed via FB that several of my KC friends were at the Blake Shelton concert…I was jealous. I’m going to a 2-day festival here in Dallas in April where he’ll be performing. I’m excited to see him, but I really can’t wait to see Eric Church! Hope you have a healthy week…and no meltdowns due to tablet detox! 🙂
So glad you guys got a fun date night, but so sorry to hear about Arden not doing well. That’s no fun at all! You still captured some adorable weekend photos though. Your models are pretty cute too 😉
Poor Arden, being sick is no fun! I had a stomach bug last week and was confined to my bed for days it wasn’t pretty. Love Blake Shelton and so jealous you got to see him, spending time with the hubby without kiddos is always a good time!
We are totally over being sick, indoors and glued to our iPads too. BRING ON SPRING.
Boo for sickies, glad you still got out to enjoy the weather though! I shave my sweaters, I TOTALLY get it!
We have been so sick too! But I’m happy to hear Arden kicked it quick. And Blake Shelton!!! Color me jealous!
There have been some nasty bugs going around. So sorry Arden caught it.
Blake is on my list of “need to see” concerts!
Shaving the couch?? I think I need to give that a try.
Why do we need to shave the couch?!