Nash hit the 16 month mark yesterday…sixteen months!! (However, I’m pretty sure he believes he’s 3.5– just like his sister…) Here’s what our busy little dude has been up to lately…
He has new words: water, Elmo, strawberry, down, out, Minnie, baby, bowl, cheezit, Hazel, cow…and a whole slew of animal and vehicle sound effects!
He’s a total cuddler. He loves being rocked, giving hugs, and big face-grabbing kisses. He’s also figured out the smooching sound, so he throws those in for dramatic effect.
He can hum the tune to Let It Go. #littlebrotherproblems
He loves to dance. If he hears a good beat he just can’t help himself. I’m pretty sure he’s going to be quite the entertainment at weddings…just like his father 😉
He is the king of the playset. He climbs to the top, looks through the spyglass, and zooms down the slide. Meanwhile I’m running around to every side trying to spot him like a total maniac mom.
When he’s tired, waking up, reading books, or just in a new place, he goes straight for my thumb. For some reason he finds comfort in rubbing our fingernails and holding onto our thumbs? Kinda weird, but totally sweet at the same time.
When he wakes up in the mornings he yells from his crib: “mommy…mommy…mommy….mommy…MOMMY….MOMMY…MOMMMMMMY!” He totally knows it’ll get me there quicker.
The kid loves Elmo. Not necessarily watching him…just the idea of him. Because who doesn’t love a red monster with a squeaky voice?
He’s got food on the brain all day long. He’s constantly pulling me to the refrigerator or pantry and yelling out gibberish–with the occasional “CHEEZIT!” thrown in there.
The past couple months have been a little frustrating for Nash because he’s trying so hard to communicate, but he can’t always get his point across with a 20 word vocabulary. I’m looking forward to the next few months as he starts to add more and more words…and I know he is too!
He’s finally to the point where I would consider him a “good sleeper” Can I get a high five?!? He sleeps from 7:30pm-7:00am with a 2 hour nap in the afternoons.
He loves to point out babies wherever we go. He’ll yell “bay-bee”…and half the time the “baby” is older than he is 😉
I can’t get enough of you, my sweet Nash Man!

He is absolutely adorable! Such a fun age! Emmy is trying so hard to communicate too, but it’s so tough when you just don’t have many words. Little toddler problems!
He’s such a sweet boy. He definitely looks like he has such a fun personality.
haha the pic with the tummy out is too cute. And it is so nice when they can communicate more and more, and total amen for good sleep.
Your kids start talking so well, so soon! My Dean just mostly screams MAMMA when he wants something, then points. LOL I love how different little boys are than little girls, it’s been so fun watching Dean gravitate towards any ball or car when all Jojo liked at this age was baby dolls.
Sweet, sweet boy! I especially love the pics of he and Arden together!
Aww he is just a ball of energy and love! Can’t get enough of him. That’s so funny he loves to dance because Ben is the same way. He always brings all of the toys that make music and wants us to play them so he can dance. I can’t believe all of Nash’s words! We are way behind on that. I bet he sounds so adorable saying all those things. Yay Nash!
Such a precious boy! xx
Such a happy & handsome boy. And yay for good sleep!!!