Well, sort of. We still have some work to do but it will definitely be ready by tomorrow afternoon when our very first house guests arrive! Let me rewind a little bit. About a week ago Chris and I were debating whether or not to stay in Kansas City and spend New Years Eve with our friends or to return back to E-Ville, get a lot of work done on the house, and have a low-key NYE at home. In the end, we decided we should probably go back home after Christmas and take advantage of Chris’ time off to work on some home improvement projects. Now fast forward to Christmas Eve. We’re at my parents house…Maren has Chris off somewhere making him pretend he is Tom and she is Jerry…I’m chatting in the kitchen enjoying the appetizers way too much…then I see my phone lighting up on the counter. An e-mail from Brittany. She and Jimmy want to come to our house for New Years Eve! What? Can this be for real?! I am so excited that I immediately respond “YES,” tell everyone around me, then run to find “Tom” and tell him the good news. He is pumped as well. But wait, it gets better. Two days later Emily and Jeff are in…could life get any better?!?
This hotel is open and ready for business…
So what’s on the agenda? Tomorrow night begins with dinner at the Bella Milano then it’s off to Laurie’s Place to watch Mo’ Pleasure perform…then name says it all. And not to worry, Jersey Shore will be recording at home. Then, after taking a vote we will be spending part of New Years Day at Lumiere Place Casino in downtown St. Louis. In Emily’s words, “we never do anything like that and it could get interesting”. If nothing else, I’m sure there will be some quality people watching opportunities.
Now the real question is–will I be able to sleep tonight?! I’m not sure if we’ll actually end up doing any of things I’ve described above, but I do know one thing is for certain–we will laugh A LOT. Can’t wait to see my friends tomorrow 🙂
The (future) Mrs. Wassinger says
I am actually green with envy right now. This post made me really excited, then really jealous. Have fun, I guess. 😉