A few weeks ago Chris and I became the parents of a five year old…FIVE! I remember when Arden was a baby and people with 5-year-olds seemed like legit parents to me…and so much older. Ha! So that’s where we are now. Legit–but also really old. 😉
Here’s what our big five-year-old is loving these days…
The more time I have with this girl, the more I realize what a gift she is. Maybe she’s going to give us a run for our money in her teenage years, but for right now, being her parent is just a blast. She’s kind-hearted, sensitive, inquisitive, imaginative, helpful, funny, and I joke that she’s going to be smarter than me in a couple of years. Seriously though, I’m scared!
We’re waiting one more year to send her to kindergarten, and in the meantime, my plan is to soak up my time with her as much as possible. However, I don’t think she’s worried about it in the least. She told me, “Next year I’ll go to kindergarten Monday through Friday…and I’ll see you on the weekends!!!” (?) And then she asked me, “But who’s going to help you with Hartley when I go to kindergarten?!?” That’s a good question!!! Speaking of helpfulness, I’ve decided that if I wait long enough, Arden might just potty train Nash for me. Haha! She had him on the potty the other day and even sat a Hershey’s kiss on the counter to motivate him. Such a little momma!
She’s a picky eater, but she’ll choke down almost anything for a “sweet treat”.
She wants to be a country music singer when she grows up.
School days are her favorite.
She’s perfected the art of Baby Talk and is therefore, one of Hartley’s favorite people.
Sometimes I get a little sad and nostalgic when I think back about the days where it was just Arden. That was such a special time in my life because I had the ability to give her ALL of my time and attention. Now we’re busy and there are two other special little people who need me more often that she does…but she’s taken on the oldest child role and handled it with such grace, that I can’t be sad for long. She was meant to be a big sister.
Here’s to another great year with my original sidekick.
I love you, Arden Quinn!

So sweet! Happy Birthday Arden! ?You girls need to come to Nashville for a play date- I just know she and Lily Caroline would be best buds! I ordered her that necklace for her birthday later this fall- it’s just too cute!!
All those expressions! What a fun girl! Hey, if she has success potty training Nash, send her my way for Dean. Ha.
Ah gorgeous girl, you remind me so much of our Sophie! How I wish we lived closer so you could spend time together… We really are so blessed with their first big girls of ours and they are real gems! x
So sassy, I love it!