So remember 3 weeks ago when I said Chris and I were staying in on Friday and tackling this window cornice project I found on Pinterest? Yeah, so that didn’t happen…I’m pretty sure we laid on the couch and watched True Blood instead. It didn’t actually happen until two weeks later, but that’s better than never I suppose!
I had two assistants…
Number 1:
It was a pretty easy project for me since Chris did the building, stapling and hanging. I told him that I was the designer and he was my handyman…the way it should be I think 🙂
So here’s what we ended up with. I like them, but I definitely don’t love them. I’m not sure if it’s the fact that the burlap kind of blends in with the wall color…or if the lines are just too clean and modern for the rest of my decor.

What I do know though is that I’m not going to be making any immediate changes. It’s probably best to just live with them awhile and see if they grow on me. Chris suggested I sponge paint red flowers on them…and that is another reason why I’m the designer and he is not!
Any great ideas on how to spice this up? Suggestions welcome!

Your windows would look great if you added airy white panels on each side of each window hanging from "inside" the cornices…maybe yes?