I took a little trip to HEB over lunch today for some bay leaves — I’m attempting this Adobo Chicken recipe tonight. I have a knack for screwing up even the simplest of recipes, so stay tuned for the result 🙂
On the drive home I heard Cee Lo Green’s “F*** You”. I just can’t get enough of that song! It put me in the best mood ever so I decided to share it with all of you…the censored version (you’re welcome, Mom). This kid just kills me…
Of course, you could also just read my friend Katie’s blog and let Cee Lo serenade you that way 🙂
Did anyone see his performance on the Grammy’s with Gwenyth? Someone put this picture on facebook with the caption “KU’s new mascot”. Hilarious!
I can’t believe it’s already Thursday. Love it when the weeks fly by!