So it turns out I’m going to have to have more babies….because I have all this amazing new gear that needs to be used more than once!!! Oh wait, you mean that’s not a good reason to have more kids? Darn 😉
Seriously though, the baby gear these days is incredible!!! So much has changed since I was pregnant with Arden 5 years ago…even in just the last TWO years since I was pregnant with Nash! I think it’s amazing that most of these products were created by regular moms that were looking for a solution to their everyday problems. (I only wish I could come up with something so clever!!)
I’ve received some of this awesome new gear to try out and I can hardly WAIT to start using it! And to meet our baby, of course 😉
1. Binxy Baby
Finally! Someone came up with a solution for the shopping cart dilemma. I remember the first time I went grocery shopping with baby Arden in tow. I walked out with only the things that would fit under the cart…because we all know a car seat takes up the whole darn cart! I’m so excited about the Binxy Baby, which can be used as a hammock for the baby herself OR a secure way to hold the car seat (with room underneath for groceries). Seriously GENIUS! You can get 10% off HERE!
2. DockATot
I’ve literally been staring at this thing for months, just dying to use it! It’s a lounger and co-sleeper in one, and something I think my other two kids would’ve been allll about as infants. I love that it can be moved all over the house and used for everything from tummy time to assisted naps. Expect a lot of pictures of our little lady in this one!
(PS: You can get $10 off HERE!)
3. Lorena Canal Rug
Not only is this rug gorgeous, but it’s natural and washable! Yes–WASHABLE! Normally I would avoid putting the baby on a nice rug (because: spit up and blowouts), but now I won’t have to. Eeekk, it’s so pretty!
4. Ollie Swaddle
I didn’t learn about the Ollie Swaddle until Nash was just days away from dropping the swaddle…and I was so sad. Gosh, we could’ve really used it with that silly sleeper! I love that it comes in one, adjustable size and always fits your baby perfectly…and best of all, you can change baby’s diaper without unswaddling their arms. Game changer!
5. Sweet N Swag Moccs & Bows
Is there anything cuter than teeny tiny moccs and bows? I’ll answer that for you. No…no, there is not 😉 I just adore all of the accessories that SnS carries–especially these. I can’t wait to see them on little baby feet!
Anybody else crushing on the latest baby gear?? What else are you loving?!
Disclaimer: I received the above products from the companies at no cost, but all opinions (and excitement!) are my very own.

We LOVE Sweet N Swag moccs! We had a few pairs for Leighton and I love giving them as gifts.
I NEEDED that shopping cart hammock with both Harper and Boston. Shopping with car seats is no joke. But then again, shopping with an infant and toddler isn’t a joke either. I’m pretty certain whoever came up with online shopping and groceries-to-go makes millions off of moms alone.
There are so many awesome products out there now for baby! Seriously gives anyone baby (product) fever 😉
I want them alllllll!!! Now I just need another baby girl to buy them for :p
We are HUGE fans of the Sweet N Swag moccs. So awesome. Emmy has a few pairs. I wish they’d had the Binxy Baby when both of mine were little. So awesome!
I think I need a doc-a-tot in my life. Preferably in my size!
I received the Dock-A-Tot, Ollie Swaddle and Binxy Baby as well and they are some of my very favorite baby products! So glad I was able to use them with my second born! The rug sounds amazing! Will have to try it out!
Chels @ Red Velvet Rooster
The dockatot is everything! I love ours something fierce, can’t wait to see many pics of yours in use =)
I think the Binxy Baby is my most favorite baby product EVER! Why couldn’t I invent something like that?? Can’t wait for Baby Girl Calcara!!
The moccs are my absolute cutest!!! I am loving the Nurture One pillow – which is similar to the Dock-a-Tot but more fitted. Babies LOVE it x
Awesome baby gear is a totally justifiable reason to have more kids, I just wish my husband felt the same way LOL! That shopping cart hammock is GENIUS!