Dear Arden,
Are you getting tired of these posts yet? Don’t worry, I’ve decided that once I go back to work in December I’ll just focus on the monthly updates. I’m sure every post on here will still be filled with stories and pictures of you, but these weekly deadlines are a lot of pressure!!!
Anywho, it’s been a GREAT week. The week of the smiles, I would say…
You have the biggest, most infectious smile and it seriously melts my heart. I will say, however, it makes it hard to get any grocery shopping done when you’re grinning from ear to ear every time I look down at you 🙂 I’ve come close to taking out more than a few unsuspecting shoppers because I had my head down in your car seat talking to you. Can you really blame me though??

On Friday night we got you all dressed up for dinner and you were in a great mood.
That mood lasted until we got our food, at which time you had a meltdown like I’ve never seen. Let’s just say this was our first (of probably many) unplanned “to-go” meals 🙂
Saturday we had friends over before the K-State game, which meant you had a chance to wear the adorable tutu that Heather gave you.
I’m obsessed…
Did I mention we won?! Cats are 9-0! I think that tutu must’ve been good luck…even if it did come from a KU fan 🙂
You’re still all about rolling on your side. You make it this far on you own…
And the other day when I helped you over that last shoulder…you end up like this. Hilarious 🙂
Perhaps we should work on rolling from front to back and holding your head up first, huh??
We’ve also been having fun reading to you lately because you’re starting to focus in on things. I know you have no idea what I’m babbling about, but someday you will and I think you’ll enjoy it as much as I do 🙂
With a little less than a month left in my maternity leave, we’re trying to make the most of our days together. Yesterday we headed downtown for lunch with your dad…
It amazes me that just a month ago you were swimming in that outfit, and now the leggings are tight around your chunky little legs!
And this morning we joined Emily and Henry for story time at the library. It was so much fun and you were pretty smiley during the songs. I love that you’re getting more and more interactive each day!
You’re still sleeping great and we’re starting to get a nap routine down during the day, which I have to say is quite a relief. It’s nice for both of us to know what to expect.
Have I mentioned that I’m obsessed with watching you on the monitor? Even once it’s obvious that you’re in a deep sleep, I just can’t help but turn the video on and just stare at you.
Several times this week I’ve been reminded of where we were this time last year. Almost a year ago today we found out that our first round of IVF didn’t work. I felt like it was the end of the world and I worried I would never get to feel the way I feel right now–completely overwhelmed with love for this tiny, perfect little person.
I know now that God had a plan for us–and that was you. You were worth every tear and every minute of sadness.
Couldn’t love you more,
PS: We’re heading to Fort Worth this weekend for your first live K-State game. Here’s hoping you enjoy it 🙂

I've been thinking of you guys all week and the game! She will do great! Bring us a W, Arden!
Seriously, could she get any cuter?! So adorable!
such a beautiful post and you will love having all of these blogs to look back on. God is truly amazing and His plan for us is so much better than we could ever dream up ourselves. arden is perfect. 🙂