Well folks, I survived another birthday…and had a darn good time doing it, I might add!
Arden and Chris treated me to a perfect weekend. When I came home from the gym on my bday to Chris vacuuming and a new anthro candle burning–I knew it was going to be a good day!
(And then I gave him strict orders not burn said candle when I wasn’t home…can’t waste that goodness! Ha!)
On Friday we kicked off the weekend with a trip to the Houston Zoo.
The weather was perfect–and so was my company…

Arden’s not a big stroller fan…never has been, and at this point I’m going to say never will be.
So I had the grand idea of taking our wagon, in hopes that she would think it was fun and would also get a better view of the animals. Turns out this busy girl just isn’t a fan of anything but running through the zoo like a maniac.
This lasted 10 seconds…and I’m not exaggerating!

Then we spent the rest of the time chasing after her with an empty wagon…or if we were lucky, she would pull {or should I say push} her own weight…

As I write this I’m noticing a trend…we only took one picture of Arden with a real animal.
She was more into the fake ones…

But her favorite part of the zoo?
The playground…or more specifically: the “siiiiide”.
Oh child…

And if that wasn’t enough playground time, we went to the park by our house that night and watched little miss showed off her MyGym skills. Someone explain to me how you give birth to a child and less than a year and a half later they’re hanging from monkey bars?!?

Saturday was low-key…the gym, K-State basketball, and some light reading…

And after our little lady went down for the night, Chris and I did something unheard of…we went on a date! We saw Lone Survivor, which I would highly recommend–and not just because I have so missed seeing Riggins shirtless 😉 In all seriousness though, the story of these Navy Seals is amazing. True heroes.

Clearly we’re not sure how to act when childless…

We topped off a great weekend with a Super Bowl party at some sweet friends’ house. I didn’t watch one play of the game but I witnessed lots of playing! (And lots of baby wrestling and questionable dancing…but that’s a story for different day. Ha!)

Peanut butter and jelly?!?

We may not have family here in Texas, but we’ve got great friends that feel like family 🙂
So there you have it…a great little weekend is in the books! Thanks to everyone for the sweet birthday wishes–they made my day!

Glad you had a fun birthday weekend!! 🙂
You are so right, HOW is it possible to birth a child only to have a full-fledged KID less than two years later? Makes a momma teary!!
I'm with you on the not burning candles unless you are home! You're right! Can't waste that goodness.
Lol at riggins. Miss that boy for SURE.
I've said it before and I'm sure I'll say it a million times more, but Miss A is just the absolute sweetest.
Skincare post please! Your skin looks flawless – what makeup and products do you use?
happy birthday! it looks like it was so fun!
A perfect bday weekend!!!! Waverly & Arden sound so much alike, she has never liked strollers either & would rather push it all day long!! Crazy girls!!
stop being so cute! Happy Birthday!
I love your birthday weekend – happy birthday! Sounds super sweet to me =)