Teach Me Time Talking Alarm Clock and Nightlight – Right now Arden tells time in terms of events…naps, meals, when daddy gets home, etc. I think she’s going to love this clock as it helps her to understand of the concept of time.
Hunter First Classic Rain Boot – As if our matching haircuts weren’t enough, I’m going to be that mom who dresses their child to match them. I know, I know….ridiculous! I ultimately decided on black not just because I have them, but because I thought Nash could wear them someday too. How do you think he’s going to feel about matching his mother? 😉
Uni the Unicorn – A book about a unicorn that’s told there’s no such thing as little girls? I’m in.
Jumbo Forest Animals – Our boy toy collection is small, but growing! I thought these cute woodland animals would be the perfect addition…and they’re large so they won’t get lost in the mix. Oh and Nash wants them–he told me 😉
OK to Wake! Children’s Alarm Clock and Nightlight – This is my attempt to get an extra half hour of sleep out of Nash each morning. Or at least maybe he’ll play quietly in his crib until the light turns green?? Wish me luck!
Sperry Top-Sider Billfish Boat Shoe – Is there anything cuter than a toddler boy in Sperry’s? Nope. I’ve been waiting a long time to get those chubby little feet in some boat shoes 🙂
Stuck – A good friend recommended this book (thanks Ali!), and I can totally see why! It’s cute and hilarious…I’m sure it’ll be a new house favorite!

Someone else had that clock on their blog. I'm going to need to look into one for Cam. Might switch his need thing to that clock.
Great list! Those Jumbo Woodland Animals have just been added to our Amazon list for Ben! Thank you 🙂
I love this idea! Every Christmas should include books!
I try to follow the WNWR technique too, but the good deals always get me. Normally I find myself tucking the extra gifts away for Valentine's Day or Easter … I'm a sucker for the good deals. I also always try to get my kids a game (this year it's Qwirkle for my 6 yo, Zingo & Spot It Frozen edition. The other gift I started giving each of my kids is a pre-planned date. For my 18-month old boy it's Sesame Street Live tix, for my 4 yo daughter it's a Frozen on Ice date, and for my 6-year old it's an afternoon with mom, and he gets to choose whatever he wants to do (bowling, movie, roller skating, lunch wherever he chooses)!
That makeup kit!! <3 <3 These are all great ideas! I'm still struggling with "need", which is actually quite sad that Brantley doesn't need anything!
Good ones! We are doing this at our house too!
CPO… I love it!
Love the items on your list!
The woodland animals are my favorite & I'm definitely going to be looking into that clock!
We have the Tot Clock, but any clock is recommended. Ashlynn did great with it for a solid year, now doesn't really care if she's up before it's yellow, but she understand the concept and knows it's still "night" until it is.Love those book choices too!
Your lists are perfect! I hope your clock adventures go better than ours. Henry pushes the button on his okay-to-wake (Nash's version) so it lights up and tells us it's on so he can come out of his room every morning. Most recently he has used it as a "key" to unlock his door from the inside so I literally have no way to keep him in his room anymore. Life.
What a great list! I want that clock for Cam! We did the four gifts, too, but instead of need, we did an experience (Disney on Ice). It's made shopping SO easy, because we aren't just buying whatever we see!!
we DESPERATELY need that clock! Rae is up at 5-5:30 if I'm lucky. I may put that on my "need" list for myself haha. These picks are perfect, we're keeping it simple this year too.
I'm dying to get Julia into a little pair of Hunters. I can't wait to see you and Arden twinning!
The clock is also an awesome idea! Marcus is constantly talking about time, and trying to tell time off the regular clocks. This would be perfect for his room!
Those Sperry's for Nash. So adorable!!
This is a genius method and one Ive been meaning to incorporate with no success. Seriously makes shopping so much easier and streamlined!
I did this exact same thing for Mason this year and in the past. I love it. I feel like more often than not, we get caught up in the fun presents (i.e. want) and forget to get something practical. I gave my niece the pretend make up set for her birthday and she LOVES it. Arden will too!
great list, thanks for sharing 🙂
We are doing the same this year and we are so excited x