All of my friends have been asking the same question lately…”are you showing yet?!” My answer is always, “kinda, sort of…okay, not really.” I was a little worried about this at first, but my doctor assured me that some people don’t show until half way through their pregnancy. My sister was one of those people (and they say you’re supposed to have a similar pregnancy to your sister), so who knows. I’m sure I’ll be looking back at this post at 30 weeks thinking I should’ve been careful what I wished for 🙂
So even though there’s not much to show, I thought I’d start documenting the progress on here every few weeks. And yes, I do realize that I look like a prisoner in a mug shot. I thought this would be the perfect shirt for profile pics because it was long and tight. It wasn’t until a few weeks into the pictures that I made the criminal connection. Oh well, I’m going with it!
So there you have it…15 weeks.

How far along: 15 weeks
Size of Baby C: 4 inches
Fruit/vegetable comparison (according to Baby Center): Apple
Total weight gain: 2 lbs
Sleep: Pretty good! So good I usually start it on the couch at about 8:30 🙂
Movement: Nothing yet…but according to the pregnancy book I’m reading right now, it won’t be too long!
Unglamorous body changes: I’m sure no one else sees them but I really notice all of the blue veins on my body. I’ve always had a good share since I have fair skin, but the increased blood flow makes them really pronounced. Time for a spray tan!
Maternity Clothes? Nope.
Showing: I can definitely see and feel the bump, but it doesn’t look like much through clothes.
Food cravings: Fruit, fruit, fruit. Grapes, cuties, apples, orange juice…I think this kid is going to like all of it.
What I miss: Pop–plain and simple. Even though I haven’t had one in years, sometimes I think about being at Jalapenos in Stanley and sucking down a gigantic cherry coke (the real kind–with grenadine of course). And if I was there, I’d probably have to get a big bowl of queso too 🙂 Wow, I sound crazy don’t I?!?
Anything making you queasy: Thinking of uncooked meats…but that probably makes anyone queasy.
Strange experiences: I probably stop about 3 or 4 times a day and just think, “I can’t believe there’s a human growing inside of me”. Completely crazy, but pretty amazing too.
Milestones: The baby’s eyes are still closed, but it can start to sense light this week. BabyCenter says that if you were to shine a flashlight at my stomach, the baby would probably move away from the light.
Best moment this week: Starting to do some baby shopping and research. Of course, it’s weird to walk into a baby store when you’re not showing, but they must see it a lot…every sales person has just nicely asked when I was expecting. I got to do some browsing with my mom when she was here, which was fun because she likes to waste time looking at all of the furniture and cool new gadgets like I do. Then Chris and I checked out a couple of other stores this weekend. I impressed him by knowing how to snap up a stroller with one hand (I may or may not have been watching product videos on YouTube). We’re probably getting a really early start on all of this, but judging by our travel schedule this summer, I think we’ll be happy we did!
Looking forward to: Starting to show and going back to the doctor in a couple weeks. It’s always good to hear that little heart thumping!

haha the prisoner reference is funny – I'm not sure I would have put that together 🙂 So cute!!!!!! Love you and hope I get to see you soon!!!!!!
PS I'm going to use your research if you don't mind for baby things 🙂
Totally know what you mean about being veiny. Especially on my belly. Lots to look forward to V!
Stealing this…
uhhhh…you're ADORABLE! i always show later, too, but don't worry it will be all out and about soon enough. 🙂
I didn't show till closerto 28 weeks with Treyson. No worries. (uh, the twins, I should at like 1 week…haha, but I was also the size of a small continent)