Race clothes and numbers laid out – check. Alarm set for 5:30am – check. Carb gut ache – big check. Now I know why no one loses weight from running marathons and half marathons…I have eaten more in preparation than I ever have in my whole life. We got a Little Caesar’s Hot n Ready tonight for our carbo-load dinner and now I can’t sleep because I’m so ridiculously full. So why not blog?
So far the trip has been a lot of fun. We’ve seen the Alamo, toured Texas Ranger Museum, partied with Rick Springfield, cruised through the Riverwalk and also eaten at our fair share of restaurants there. First of all, the Riverwalk is awesome. I had never been before and Chris hadn’t been since high school when he went with the band. No, not a band, the band. He played the trumpet. 🙂 Anyway, we’ve spent the majority of our time there and I just can’t get enough of the atmosphere. I will post pictures next week!
And then there was Rick. I failed at my job and totally forgot to bring my Greatest Hits CD in the car to give Chris a crash-course on Rick Springfield. So he went in completely blind, but believe it or not, he actually enjoyed it! His classic songs were amazing and his new ones were, well, comical. Take for instance, “What’s Victoria’s Secret?”
What’s Victoria’s secret,
tell me if the she clothes she wears will expose,
all of my weakness.
woman i just can’t let go till i know.
Victoria’s secret,
whispering a love song in my ear.
Victoria’s secret,
will haunt me to death because I really need to know her name
Seriously? When it got to the chorus, Chris and I just looked at each other and lost it! Sorry Rick, can you just stick with the oldies??
Today we camped out at a sports bar on the Riverwalk to watch the K-State game. Our plan was just to hydrate all day and not drink. Oops. I felt really guilty about it for awhile and convinced myself that I was going to die on the course because of it, but then we met a group of experienced marathoners who were drinking far more than we were. One lady told me that, based on her experience, it was definitely okay to get toasty the day before a race. Good to know. Anyway, we stopped at 2 beers…partially because of the hydration thing and partially because Carson Coffman was a huge buzz kill. Anyway, not a great game but we had fun regardless.
Okay, last random story. Since we walked the distance of a half-marathon yesterday alone, we decided that we’d try to relax tonight and go to a movie. When we were waiting in line to buy our tickets this lady in front of me asks the cashier, “what it that Sky Line movie about?” First of all lady, I don’t think that his job description entails memorizing movie synopses…and who goes all the way to the theater without knowing exactly what movie they want to see and at what time? Back to the story though…the cashier says, “Uhhh, it’s about aliens and shooting and stuff.” The lady then responds with, “Oh, okay. Can I have two for the 5 o’clock show?” It was priceless.
Well, Chris is doing that twitchy thing that he does when he falls asleep, but I’m still not tired. Dang it! Dare I say I’m a little bit excited for tomorrow? Even if I do end up enjoying the run, I know the most enjoyable part will be crossing the finish line. Then sitting on my butt for at least 2 weeks when we get back to Houston.
Catch you on the flip side!

kick some butt!