Since moving to Texas 3 years ago, we’ve made it a point to take a trip back to Kansas every October.
Because it’s amazing.
The weather is perfectly crisp, the leaves are changing, and being caught in anything other than boots and a scarf might as well be considered a sin.
Since Chris was in hardcore-study-mode for his PE test (which is now over–hallelujah!), Arden and I made the trip back for a week of fun at Gigi and Papa’s…and was it ever fun!. So fun that I could probably break it up into 15 posts…but I’ll spare you…how about I just overload you with cute pictures instead? No, for real–I think this is the definition of picture overload!!!
So I guess we’d better get to it!
My nephew Luke provided the entertainment for the week…Arden laughed at just about everything he did! I think he was at the other end of the table making barfing noises when this picture was taken. Boys!
My parents were watching Luke while my brother and sis-in-law were in Hawaii (and we lived vicariously through their pictures!) I’m not sure if it was the air mattress or all of Luke’s cool stuffed animals, but Arden loved waking him up a couple of mornings.
Luke didn’t care for it quite as much… 😉
Seeing friends is always one of the highlights of my trips home…meeting those friends’ new babies and getting to see them as mothers? Icing on the cake 🙂 So glad I got to spend a little time with adorable baby Will and his sweet momma!
On Wednesday we met one of my high school BFFs at Deanna Rose Farmstead.
Gosh, I love this place!!!!
Arden and Evie–two peas in a pod. They don’t know it yet, but they WILL be best friends…just as soon as they stop pulling each other’s hair 😉
Cowboy Luke…in heaven!
Remember what I said about Kansas in October?
Um yeah…
Destined to be besties…
Such a fun day with one of my dearest old friends 🙂 I can’t wait to meet her baby BOY in December!!!
I got to spend Thursday morning as an honorary parent at Norah’s preschool “Parents Day”. Is she the sweetest or what??
(And for the record, being asked repeatedly if you and your sister are twins is not a cool thing when you are SIX years younger. Live it up, Lindsay! Ha!)
That night Arden and I went to Brittany’s (amazing new) house for dinner and catching up! Brittany, Emily and I could easily talk for days if someone would let us–but unfortunately these two kiddos and their bedtimes didn’t. However, I’ll take whatever time I can get with those girls…I miss them so much!
Oh and I guess the later it is, the harder it is to share?!?
Drama Queen…
New rule–if you come childless, you have to take care of ours 🙂
Glad we got to Skype Jack in for a little bit!
Friday night was spent at the local Mexican restaurant, where we celebrated 3 birthdays–Maren (7), Luke (4), and Gigi (25…right?!)
Arden showed off her new-found dipping skills…or should I say double-dipping skills? Needless to say, she got her very own salsa…
And then we went home and had a dance party…but it didn’t take long before Barney Fife was on the scene, breaking things up. It just never gets old…
And these two? They love each other…
Saturday was gameday…
And party day! Luke’s birthday party is always highly anticipated in our family…
costumes, pumpkin carving, and hayrides…what more could a kid ask for?!

And come on…how cute are these desserts???

Of course, no 4-year-old’s party is complete without a giant sling shot…right?!?

He’s one of the cutest, funniest little guy I know…but these days he goes by “Officer Luke”!

Speaking of cute? Check out this piglet…
…and her cousins: Cotton Candy, Officer Luke, and of course, Gnomeo & Juliette.
I love every single one of these characters!

…and cut!

As always, Luke’s party was a blast…one to remember for sure.

Can’t Sleep. Must Party.
The day after he was still rocking his costume…and he cuffed himself to his new Glow Pet. I guess that means he liked my gift?!? Best. Aunt. Ever. 🙂
We ended the perfect week with some low-key family time.
Hanging out in the basement, watching videos with Gigi…
And playing outside with cousins…
Saying goodbye is the worst–especially after a wonderful week like this one. But just as I told my nieces and nephews, Christmas will be here before we know it 🙂
Plus this little traveler was seriously missing her Daddy…and vice versa!!!!
Thanks for the great weather and good times, Kansas…you outdid yourself once again!

What a fun week! I loved all of the pictures, Kansas looks gorgeous!
Aww looks like a great week, beautiful house and the party details were so cute! Although, while Kansas does look pretty, I'm pretty partial to autumn in the northeast 😉
We moved back to kansas after leaving in Dallas for 9 years and I can't believe how much I missed the beautiful fall weather! Glad u got to visit! Deanna rose is one of our faves! Arden is adorable!
What a fun trip! Kansas looks so pretty! And I LOVE all of the party details…too cute for words!
I love everything about this post! That Birthday party is the coolest! So fun! Glad you had fun in KS!
So many wonderful pictures! Makes me miss my hometown though and how beautiful it is! So is that your parents house? I'm in LOVE with the fireplace!
My sister and I are SEVEN years apart and we have the same problem… She stole my face.
Seriously you guys had so much fun. I don't even know where to start commenting on the cuteness. And happiness. It looks like the best trip ever!
Looks like a fun week! Arden looks right in her element among all of her cousins!! And your nephew's party makes me excited because my little guy's first birthday was Oct 27th…so of course we couldn't do all of the fun hayride/pumpkin painting type stuff this year, but NEXT year I have big plans for a Halloween birthday bash! 🙂
What a fun trip!! Arden looks like she had a blast with all of her cousins! Owen loves when his cousins come over — they just speak his language! That little house in their yard is so cuuuute!
Your parents house is just gorgeous!! So glad the PE test is done…. Now to pray for good results!! It looked like you both had so much fun. I loved looking at all the photos!
Looks like the best trip! I officially want to be adopted into your family! 🙂
Arden is too cute. Her little outfits are adorble! And that costume, awesome.
I love this post. It is full of awesome. Such cute pics of cousins and friends and family! 'can't sleep. must party.' love it!
What a fun filled week that you all had! I loved every single picture and moment that you shared with us! Arden is growing up so quick and her super cute outfits are just adorable 🙂
Looks like you guys had a blast! How awesome that you're able to make the trip and spend some time there!
The birthday party looks so fun! I love that outdoor patio area!
What an awesome trip! We go back home to MI every Thanksgiving and I can't wait this year! Arden is such a cutie! You have some great photos too but there's this one of her in the backyard with a stick of some sort in a brown coat… she just looks like she's in her own little heaven…
Oh my goodness… This makes me long for home even more than normal. Since moving from Kansas (4 years ago) we have yet to go back in October – which is clearly the best month. I've made a mental note to try and get back next October.
So many great pictures, looks like an absolute blast!!!! Arden and all her cousin look adorable in their fun costumes:)
Okay, that piglet outfit is beyond adorable!!!! 😉
xo TJ
LOOOOOOVE the headbands!