by Chris Calcara
The year may be vague and disputed amongst my family, but sometime in the 70s we started the Fat Hog 500. “Fat Hog” being derived from the food we eat, and “500” because the event is concurrent with the Indianapolis 500. It used to happen every Memorial Day weekend at the farm until we stopped sometime in the late 90s. And since then, the cousins have tried every year to convince my parents to bring it back. Fortunately, we were successful this year on the condition that the “Next Generation” take the lead. So all the cousins banded together, with plenty of help from the “Previous Generation”, and did our best. Hopefully our efforts convince my parents we should do it every year, so more people can experience this great occasion. Below are some pictures of this year’s “Fat Hog 500” Version 2.0.
In the old days the farm was prowled by a mean german shepard, but in Version 2.0 we toned it down a bit.
Of course the entire event is anchored down by cold beer. Usually we have a beer truck that houses kegs and has taps on the side. Unfortunately it was unavailable this weekend so we had to settle for a refrigerated cooler. The cousins even went as far as offering the current owner a hefty sum to purchase the beer truck, but is was turned down. We eventually found out the original owner sold it to the current owners for 50 cents. Talk about a day late and “50 cents” short. Here’s Vanessa’s artistic take on the beer tap.
For you city folk, you probably won’t recognize the object in the next picture. And I’m almost 100% sure you can’t tell me what it’s used for. The first one to tell me gets a free invite to next year’s Fat Hog and one of the pig’s ears.
Another artistic pic by Vanessa-angelo. Yes that’s a barn in the background.
Picking up the pig from Ellinwood Packing.
A better view.
My dad and our neighbor putting up the movie screen on the barn for the outdoor movie. It took most of the day to figure this thing out.
More Kan-Jam.
Not sure what this is.
Me and Fred. I think that’s a movie title isn’t it?
Vanessa’s parents made the trip.
The “Next Generation” hog carvers.
My brother and I showing everyone our made up game called “tip”. When we didn’t have a quarterback we would run along side eachother, throw the ball up in the air, and fight eachother for it.
Hank, Hunter, and Hazel.
Hank in his rendition of Risky Business.
These are just a few of the pictures from the long weekend. I could spend hours writing what the “Fat Hog” meant to us when we were growing up, but I think only my cousins would understand. I could talk about the toad hunts, four wheeler races, hayrack rides, and hog hash, but I guess you all will have to come experience it for yourself.

I'll take city folk for 400…grain bin?
best picture ever to end this post! i'm inviting myself to fat hog next year btw.
I think this should be a open invite… just saying… although, i will have to close my eyes when the dead pig is being paraded about- barf city. 🙂 Looks like so much fun!
I love this post so much. So many comments.
1. Hercules would have eated Hazel
2. I should really know what that thing is – Silo???
3. I about peed seeing Hazel in that shirt. Hello, miss piggy.
4. Obsessed with the FH cookies
5. That's exactly what I remember the hog looking like.
6. Rob still rocks the python hunter hat. Be greatful for the big bill.
7. Margo was 'playing' with a toad the other day and the first thing that came to my head was toad catching at the farm.
8. Ya'll totally missed the boat on the beer truck!!
I totally miss the "by Chris Calcara" in the beginning so about halfway through I started thinking… why is Vanessa referring to herself in 3rd person LOL!!! LOVE Hazel's shirt and way to go Chris on your blog post 🙂