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Length: 29 inches
Weight: 20 lbs 4 oz
Head Circumference: 17 inches
Milestones this month:
- “Swimming” like a pro! We started swim lessons twice a week and you LOVE being in the water. Who would’ve guessed?! You’re the only baby who doesn’t cry when being dunked and you’ve mastered floating on your back while we hold your head–that’s it! I can’t wait until we’re allowed to take pictures at the last lesson because I never want to forget how cute your little, fat, floating body is. Seriously…most adorable thing EVER.
- Mimicking us. You like to copy noises…whether it’s an ooooh or an ahhhh, or your toy saying “bye bye”. I was so proud when you waved and repeated bye-bye when we were FaceTiming with Aunt Lindsay. Also, you’re still saying “ma-ma” a lot, but it’s usually when you’re upset, so I’m sure it has nothing to do with me 😉 When I ask you to say it you smirk and start babbling, “ba-ba-ba-ba-ba”. Stinker.
- New tooth. After fevers and crankiness galore, that top right sucker finally popped through. And now we wait for its partner in crime…
- Still movin’ and groovin’…but not crawling. I asked the doctor about this at your 9 month well-check and she said it wasn’t a matter of ‘crawling vs. not crawling’, but rather ‘mobile vs. immobile’. And well, you’re definitely mobile. You’ve figured out how to roll and scoot to get just about anywhere you want to go. I keep telling you that you’d be a lot less dizzy if you’d just start crawling…but what do I know?! I’m just your mom.
- Center splits. Yes, that’s how you get from sitting to your tummy and now, vice versa. You are so bendy, kid…
Things you like this month:
- Your activity table. Whether you’re slamming the laptop shut or barking like the dog in the book, you are happy! You’ve gotten pretty good at standing up next to it {except that one time you fell and got your first goose-egg…but we won’t talk about that} and sometimes you look over in the mirror while you’re playing with it and just start smiling and waving. When did you become such a little person?!?
- When I put your pacifier in my mouth–the other side, of course. You think it’s the most hysterical thing ever, so needless to say, I do it a lot. Speaking of pacifiers…I noticed they were disappearing so I decided to pull your crib away from the wall one day. I found EIGHT. Hoarder!
- Drinking from a straw. Now that you’ve mastered your sippy cup straw, you think any drink with a straw should be yours. I will say that it is a nice skill to have when your mom forgets to bring your sippy cup to dinner though.
- When Dad gets home from work. I look forward to your reaction every day and I know he does too.
- Your new baby pool. Our favorite afternoon activity!
Things you don’t like this month:
- Leaving me. Or should I say, when I leave you. It was just last month that I was bragging about how much you loved the gym nursery…well this past week, every time we walked through the door you clenched your legs around me. Then once I peel you off the meltdown begins. I’ve found that the best thing to do is just kiss you and leave quickly. I know separation anxiety is a normal thing at this age, but boy does it break my heart.
- “Practicing crawling”. I prop you up on your knees each day to work on it and you scream your little head off. You are “spirited” that’s for sure!
- Table foods. This is getting better, but you’re not really that crazy about the food we eat. Three things you do love are mashed potatoes, quesadillas, and apples. Sooner or later I’m sure you’ll figure out that real food is way better than baby food…if not, Kindergarten could be awkward.
Special memories this month:
- In general, you’ve become more of a toddler than a baby this month and we are loving watching your goofy personality develop.
- My first Mother’s Day. It was special for me, anyway!
- Your new playroom is finished and we’ve been putting it to good use. So many memories in that room already!
I have one word to describe the way I’ve felt the last nine months: blessed. I am blessed beyond words to be your mom…to be with you every day, watching you grow…to be trusted to raise you…to introduce you to the world around us. I love you so much and I can’t wait for the month ahead. Every new day with you is a good one 🙂

Happy 9 months!! She's SO sweet. I hope you get a little teething reprieve before número dos pops through!
9 months already?! Such a pretty girl! It's so fun to see their little personalities come out!
Happy 9 months Arden!! Owen still has some separation anxiety when I leave him in the childcare at our gym too, but when his favorite lady Rebecca is there he is more than happy to go with her and say "bye" to me. It's great but I'm kind of sad about that too!
Love that romper and those leg rolls…I always say flaunt it well you can lil ladies;) Happy nine months cutie pie!!!
She is so precious! I love the quilt you use too, it's beautiful! I love reading about her updates, so I know some things to expect when my girl gets a little older 🙂
Yay for 9 months! Can't wait to see the last day of swimming lessons pictures : She is getting so big!!
Yay for summer because I can finally catch up on some blog reading. Happy 9 Months to Miss Arden!!! I really do think she and Lyla should meet…because they are totally soulmate besties. Oh. And hope you don't mind…I just added your blog to my Feedly account reader under "My Pals". Hope that's okay with you. 😉