Height: 34.25 in
Weight: 26 lbs
Clothing size: 2T
Shoe size: 5
Weight: 26 lbs
Clothing size: 2T
Shoe size: 5
Number of teeth: 16
Eighteen months…it was the best of times, it was the worst of times 😉
You are learning so much right now, it just blows us away! But according to “The Happiest Toddler on the Block,” that kind of development also means that behavioral challenges are par for the course. I’m not going to lie, we’ve had a few pretty rough days–but we survived and I’m learning how to handle the tantrums and outbreaks a lot better. We’ll get through it–I’m sure of it!
But on the fun side, you are talking up a storm and amazing me every single day! You know the colors of the rainbow, about 15 letters, and we’re working on numbers. Lately, bath time = alphabet time. We’ll say “Where’s the H?” and you’ll go “hmmmm…there it is!” and point to the foam H. It’s like you have to pretend to be unsure just to keep things fun.
A couple of weeks ago your dad came out in his K-State gear, ready for the basketball game and you said “Daddy’s purple shirt”. Apparently you’ve inherited his freaky smarts 🙂
You’ve dropped Mama & Dada and we’re officially Mommy & Daddy. It’s adorable, but don’t you even think about shortening my name to Mom for like another 7 years. You got that?!?
You call yourself “Argo” and a few nights ago we heard you say “night-night, Argo” on the monitor. It’s times like those that I wish I could bottle you up and keep you at this age forever!
Your favorite phrase this month is “where are you??” If you lose sight of me at any point during the day, I hear you say “Mommy!!! Are you?!?” Or sometimes you’ll stand in front of the TV and say “Dumbo, are you?!?” And clearly we watch way too much news because sometimes in the mornings you hand me the remote and say, “watch…news?” At least you’ll know what’s going on in the world, right???
You LOVE being outside. We’ve spent almost every afternoon in the backyard the past couple of weeks, and trips to the park have become reason to squeal and cheer! Slides are definitely your favorite outdoor activity, but you’d be happy with a wide-open field and no toys. I’m so thankful that we live in a place where you can play outside in February! You’re also pretty tough…you rarely cry when you fall down, you just get back up and say “O-tay?” Apparently I ask you that a lot–ha!
You are obsessed with your toes. You talk about them a LOT…I put on your shoes: “bye bye toes!”…I throw a blanket over both of us while we’re watching Elmo and you dig around frantically saying “toes??? toes???”…I’m washing you up after a meal and you say “wash toes??” (which of course I pretend to do to make you happy!) I asked the pediatrician about it and she said it’s probably just a combination of toes being fascinating and also being a cool word. Let’s hope so, because it’s kind of weird 😉
Thanks for another great month, my sweet “spirited” child. I love being your mom…even on the tough days 🙂
Love you!
the girl in the red shoes says
Oh my gosh, I love that she calls herself Argo! That is the cutest thing ever!
Jess Norden says
Oh my goodness, she is so darn cute and SMART!!! I love that she asks where you are – Cam just starts crying!! Haha, I guess it's time to open that Happiest Toddler book we bought months ago. 🙂 Seriously, she is a doll.
Mateya says
So sweet! Hayden calls me "mom" more often than not now and although it is so precious I miss being mama!
And Argo…that is just too funny!
Chrissy@SimpleJoysBlog says
So darling! Love that picture of her. She is a busy girl!
Sarah says
18 months is SUCH a great age! SO much learning and the vocabulary/language explosion is amazing!
E Hayes says
So funny, Ashlynn always says "news??" when I have something on that isn't a cartoon. And she's sooo tall! Little model in the making 🙂 And so cute about Argo, I've been forgetting to include in A's updates for months now that she calls herself Ashie. Of course now it stuck with us, she'll probably hate it in a few years, but at least we get to blame her 😉
Sarah @ The Not Quite Military Wife says
Aw what a fun age! I can't wait till my daughter is old enough to do things like that. I hope you take a lot of videos to capture her fun personality!
Jenny says
Love the18mo update photo! Spinning LOVE IT! What is it about spinning?! Callie spins until she falls over and then does it again. 🙂
Tawnya Faust says
oh my gosh she is so sweet 🙂 Scarlett is also obsessed with her toes lately, anytime we even mention the word she's frantically pulling off her socks to show us her toes! I think it's just a phase 😉
Desiree Macke says
Night night Argo – heart melted!!
It's good to know we aren't the only ones experiencing some very trying days.
Happy 18 months, Arden!
Whitney says
Love all of this! My little guy just turned 16 mos and it is amazing how much they start picking up on through these months. Looks like lots of fun is ahead! 🙂
Courtney B says
Oh my gosh, she is precious!! LOVED reading this update since my Mia isn't too far behind in age! Not going to lie…. I'm really nervous about the tantrums and such that are coming our way as she grows! But it's SO fun to see their personalities develop even more!
Ashley @ Words About Waverly says
Vanessa, love this update!! I found it late, but am so glad I did! She is precious & so much like waverly, it's crazy!! We call waverly spirited ALL the time!!! Happy 18 months Arden!!
Ps – her height?! Omg,model status!