It’s not new news–I get a little nostalgic during this time of the year. I love everything about sorority recruitment, aka rush, and I’m not ashamed of it! The matching outfits, the slightly off-tune Pi Phi songs, the smell of Carol’s snicker-doodle cookies, and the excitement of Bid Day…it’s all amazing! I wish I could be in Manhattan tomorrow for Rush the Alums, but since I can’t I thought I’d take you all on a little “stroll down Todd Road”. In no particular order, here are some oldies but goodies from rush weeks past…
The House of Pi…love it.
This is where it all began…
Both Pi Phis! 🙂
Oh work week…
Pledge Class of ’03
Rode a plane, rode a plane, rode a plane…
The most convincing Harvey in Pi Phi history!
Welcome to Pi Phi!
The infamous wine dresses.
I love Mom T.
My favorite little freshmen.
So many great memories in that place! Best of luck to the Kansas Betas this week!

I teared up a little bit
I don't know how I missed this post! I love the pics. Great times 🙂 Miss you!